Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An answer to "Oath of Office"

When the President of the United States is “sworn in”, he is agreeing, by being “sworn in”, to uphold the constitution of the United States of America.

I will presume the
UCO luncheon is the “swearing in” of the Officers and Executive Board to: Uphold the Articles of Incorporation, the UCO By-laws, and YES EACH and every contract signed before their election, including, but by no means limited to, the Millennium Agreement.

Contrary to this, Two of the UCO Officers that were sworn in, totally disregarded their OATH, and led an “Illegal rent strike”, encouraged residents to send money to the “Registry”, that was later CLOSED DOWN BY FEDERAL JUDGE HURLEY.

The millennium Agreement CLEARLY States: 11. DEFENSE. Any Attack on the terms and/or conditions of this agreement by any third party shall be jointly defended by U C O and Management Company (meaning the WPRF Management Company).
I guess swearing an Oath is just another item that some may disregard whenever they feel like it.

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