Rumor has it that UCO President George Loewenstein was deposed ON 12 February, 2008!
Rumor has it that UCO President George Loewenstein was deposed ON 12 February, 2008!
In response to the question;
What is your justification for a specific monetary claim?
How could He have a reasonable answer!!!
What fruit has our expended $300,000.00 produced?
Why were thousands of Unit Owners dragged through an Illegal Rent Strike only to be rebuffed by a Federal Judge?
Why are we endlessly harangued by UCO ranting about unconstrained fantasy claims for millions of dollars which are not supported by the facts or proof of the claims that UCO has made?
How far into the Legal quagmire will we allow ourselves to be dragged?
What costs will be levied seemingly without limit?
In the March Election, we have our chance to reverse this reckless adventure and put the dispute into rational hands leading to amicable settlement.
Should Loewenstein & Co. be Re-Elected??
LOT, What do perceive is an amicable settlement. $ I mean.
Hello Mike,
One of my key concerns is that this issue is not one of "perception". It does not matter what You or I perceive; it is a matter of the FACTS and the numbers.
Due to a lack of transparency in the current UCO Administration, "we" have been given neither; the facts or the numbers. All we have been given is Mob Psychology, and wild rhetoric.
Only the Principals have access to the full story and that is being played out before three Arbitration Judges, behind closed doors.
If I were you I would stop stirring the pot, because stirring the pot without specific knowledge of the recipe and the temperature results in burned food!!!
Stirring the pot?
Hello Mike,
By stirring the pot, I mean advocating for millions of dollars in settlement when we do not have any hard knowledge to support such a position.
Continuing to to exhort the Unit Owners without having all of the numbers, will only lead to a hard landing if the Arbitration Judges find against us.
We should spend our efforts trying to compel UCO to reveal the facts so we can speak from a position of knowledge.
LOT, We do Know that Levy (WPRF)recieved 100% of the monthly payments and gave back $60 dollars per Unit. for the entire time amenities were unavailable for use. He also got all the insurance monies. The agreement between UCO & Levy(WPRF) called for 70% of monthly payments to be set aside . This did not happen and Levy(WPRF) just kept the monies. Thats not perception , thats fact, unless you know differently. Do You think asking Bob Marshall how much he thinks the CV unit owners are owed and how would he get the money back from Levy(WPRF)is stirring the pot , so be it . If not arbitration ,WHAT? Does anyone actually think Levy(WPRF) is going to do the right thing and return CV unit owners money without going to court or arbitration . Give me a break.
I'M BEGINNING TO WONDER IF LOT IS LEVY ??????????????????????
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