Friday, February 8, 2008


Sic transit gloria mundi (as over blog clock) is a Latin phrase that means "Thus passes the glory of the world". It has been interpreted as "Fame is fleeting” and “worldly things do not last” neither do computers - I am repeatedly informed that my 4yr-old laptop is obsolete, not supported etc, etc.!! Only 4 years old ! just venting …


Topper said...

I feel for you Elaine! How are you doing with Vista? I did hear that there was a big learning curve. I have a friend that is thinking of getting an Apple. They are suppose to be terrific.

elaineb said...

Vista is okay, They do ask you 3 times for everything, do you really, really, really want to do this..are you sure, did you see the info msg ..
I have not solved the mystery of waking the laptop from sleep or hibernation, their suggestions do not work. I did send my kids a big pic of my staring face from the webcam, scared the heck out of them, EEEK!
A Mac would be nice but expensive.

Topper said...

You are so funny! You know, we love yur computers so much but if you are like me, as much as I love it - sometimes I hate it!!!