Friday, February 15, 2008


Hi All,
Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs, competing with Google, Yahoo and IceRocket. As of December 2007, Technorati indexes over 112 million weblogs. The name Technorati is a portmanteau, pointing to the technological version of literati or intellectuals.

I have placed a link in the Sidebar to the Technorati Watch List site; feel free to enter any Search Term into the Window and virtually every BLOG on Earth will be searched and relevant entries will be displayed.

This is the ultimate reference to "User Generated Information" Just think about it! and give it a try.

it is an instrument of Citizen enabling Power!



Mike said...

WOW! Dave , neat stuff, I never knew about this kind of thing. thanks Mike

Topper said...

Neither did I, Mike. Thanks Dave. I’m looking forward to doing a little searching!