Saturday, February 9, 2008


To Messrs. Bob Marshall and Ed Black:

Your posts have been noticed. They seem sincere. Would it be feasible for you to allot a small ad in the condo paper advising its residents that they may discern what you have to declare unfiltered firsthand on this blog? Just a proffer.


elaineb said...

Bob and Bob! Maybe something did go in the UCO Reporter but it is gone for this month, submit by the 7th, comes out on the 20th approx. Maybe they will create a brochure like last time to get the word out more? I hope. Meanwhile I am posting Bob’s info at my building.

Topper said...

I will too.

Topper said...

Elaine - I wanted to print Bob's postings. How do we print just one section. I highlighted it and clicked on print - but I didn't get what I wanted to print.

Topper said...

Never mind. I figured it out. I had to hit Control P after I blocked the section. Only one problem - only shows Bob Marshalls name very small at the bottom of the post. I will write it in on the top. Bob, if you are reading this, put your name in your posts - real big.
Will post on bulletin board on my way out.
I hope we hear from all canidates on this blog!
Good day all!

Topper said...

candidate - not canidate. I better start proofing before I post. Too bad we don't have edit.

UCO President said...

Hi Chris,
I shall exercise my Admin. powers to hi-light Bobs name in the Post; Good-Dave!

Topper said...

Good job Dave! For the second time today I will hang Bob Marshall's post on my bulletin board. Good, Good Dave!