Sunday, March 16, 2008

Shoreline Restoration

Photo Wellington K
From the CV website: Sal Bummolo, Shoreline Restoration, At the July Delegates' Meeting…. July!!
C’mon Sal step it up. What was the result of the engineering study on shorelines?
Is Wellington K the biggest problem? I looked at it. I think it could be fixed by a crowd of angry villagers with pitchforks, rocks, and sandbags. The water in the pic is only a foot deep and there is a wide shelf of terra firma under it, growing grass.
No need to panic, except maybe about the cost, but we need more regular bulletins. Please.

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Anonymous said...

Why not just clean the shore line, rake it and plant grass plugs about 1 ft. apart.

Relatively inexpensive.

Anonymous said...

Wellington K is not the worst example there are areas in poorer shape. There are areas that may need some shoreline restored BEFORE anything can be done. I would assume that not all the experts think that just planting grass is the solution.

By the way do you have any guess as to how many feet of shoreline is in question?