Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I spoke to Ed Black a few minutes ago, and he says that David is doing well. One very tender hip and one that hurts like you know what. He is up for a few minutes at a time but is groggy from pain pills. I know that we all wish him the very quickest of recoveries


capt john said...

THANKS - try to keep "us" updated, WE CARE!!! Let him know!!!

The Nutmegger said...

Thanks Ed for informing us
how David is doing.

My thoughts and prayers are
with you David and I just
know that you are going to
ace both surgeries. Instead
of beating you with your
puzzles I will challenge
you to a slow pace marathon
and we will see who wins.

A Votre Sante

Topper said...

Thanks Ed and Ken so much for keeping us informed. Tell him we care.


Mike said...

Thanks Guys

Bob Sage said...

Hi Dave. Glad to hear that you are doing well. Thanks for Betty's phone number. I tried a while ago; no answer after eight rings. I'll try again in the morning. In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

elaineb said...
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