At the April Delegates meeting Ms. Bleu, once again, said some unfavorable things about Jean Dowling. Those of us who have worked with or watched Jean in, action, know how well she performed her tasks and how many hours she spent on this job.
We also know that she is a very intelligent (honors graduate from college) and knowledgeable person with a great work ethic.
We also remember the extraordinary effort she made reporting what information was available as the work progressed on the Clubhouse restoration. How did Ms. Bleu become so incorrectly informed of Jean's performance, it does make you wonder?
I do know that rumors or incorrect statements were made concerning things I've supposedly done. I had a hallway conversation with Ms. Bleu where she wondered, out loud, why I was attending an Operations committee meeting. I pointed out that I was on the committee, she responded, it was a known fact that I was a conduit into WPRF and was informing them of every thing that transpired at these meetings. Of course, none of this was true, but where did this "knowledge" come from? I'll give you three guesses and the first two do not count.
How many residents know that I was called for a deposition? By UCO! Ms. Bleu was the questioner with Mr. President at her side. I had to wonder why I had been called until I saw this duo. I wonder how much money Ms. Bleu's firm racked up? I was there for nearly eight hours along with a court reporter. Total cost must have been nearly $400.00 per hour, multiplied by the total number of hours involved, for everyone being deposed.
It is good to have this issue resolved but what happened since the Executive Board meeting several months ago where the same basic agreement was approved at the regular Monday meeting but was reversed in a specially called meeting Friday immediately before the Delegate Assembly? The vote of the Executive Board on Monday was 14 in favor and 7 opposed. The vote on Friday was (1) one for acceptance with the balance of the attendees against. This, of course, then went to the Delegates meeting for disapproval of the offer.
There was no legally called meeting during this week to discuss or consider anyone's view. I wonder how much money was spent on legal expenses between that meeting and the meeting on Friday the 4th of April?
What is interesting to me is that some of us with insight into the inner workings, knew what was going on but were unable to convince a majority or the delegates so that settlement might have occurred several months ago.
Also, I find it interesting to see another item on the Blog suggesting that the unit owners buy the recreation facilities from the current owner. What they may not have realized is that these facilities were offered to the residents many years ago and the Residents declined. Several years ago this subject was approached again but it was determined that for several reasons the sale could not happen. The first was that the property was not for sale. It had been owned for several years and was nearly, if not completely depreciated. If sold a high percent of the sales dollars would go to pay taxes making it a very impractical sale, from the current owners point of view.
Also in one of the Blog comments there was mention of doing something at the end of the lease. This lease is for, I believe 22 years and began in 2000. This means that someone has the very large job of drafting a renewal lease and presenting it to the Delegate Assembly for approval. This will be a very large task. Of course it need not be completed until 2021 but perhaps it is not too early to begin developing a list of items that need changing. This should be a list that all the future UCO officers have access to so they can add or subtract items as they consider them. Then in 2020 a committee can be formed and start working on the actual draft of the new lease proposal.
Bob Marshall
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Some thoughts come to mind relative to the settlement etc.
Posted by
bob marshall
4/10/2008 06:36:00 PM
Labels: CV UCO Legal
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Makes sense to me but most people like me know nothing about the running of CV, WPRF and UCO. Maybe it would be advisable to set up an outline of responsibilities of the different entities. Then, those who have an interest can get together and over the years people could learn in depth the aspects of each entity. By learning what we have now will put us in a better position to determine what we do in 2022. Knowledge of CV operations must be learned by a lot more people than the elected Officers and Board.Mike
When I came to Century Village 1n 1989 I knew nothing about anything about how things worked and who operated them. I started out by getting involved in my own building association and learning about condo laws.I then volunteered to serve on some UCO committee. I went to the monthly UCO meetings. I learned about the original recreation lease with Cenville.I followed the progress and read every line of the present recreation lease. I read the contract with the service company that handles my building.
Want to learn how things work?
GET INVOLVED. Find out how things are run by yourself. No one is going to teach you. This is not the military thee is no SOP.
Unfortunately there IS a SOP !!! And, just like the military, IT IS a MAJOR CF !!!
Larry , I admire your thirst for knowledge and tenacity in support of the status quo. I guess you missed what I was trying to say. We must get a lot more people knowledgable about the village or 2022 will be a disaster just like 2000. CV will end up with a vote where the masses know nothing again. Lets see , this is 2008, in 2022 I'll be 80 yrs old , if I make it. BOB why the hell do I care? Mike
Mike. Before the present recreation lease was signed all 7854 units received a copy of the document to study. Did most people study the document ? No. For the two years prior to the document we all paid into a legal fund to help us get a better deal. In the end most of our residents did not care about the deal that just wanted the matter to be resolved and go on with their life. The same kind of thing took place with the previous recreation lease and I predict that in 2021 he process will be repeated.
I am sure that you a familiar with the term investigate before you invest. Most people who come here have no idea what is involved in living here and many find they do not like what the see and are not happy here.The vast majority of people who live here do not care about how things are run. They just want to be left alone.
Bob, the lies and manipulation were Bushesque! SOP would be great for all functions, you began that. Now its two or more years of dinosaurs. How do we not lose the experience base.
Most people have no idea what goes on and the rest are mushrooms.
Larry, I'm sure what you say is true but maybe change can happen.
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