Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who Needs the Cable Company?

After you click on the title link, think about not renewing our contract altogether — there are other fish in the sea!

Besides Comcast, another cable company is messing with us: The Cox-owned Palm Beach Post is giving us less paper for more money!


elaineb said...

You are assuming everyone has a computer.
Great list of sources in that article, I have used some of them + here are a few more places that I watch.

Mike said...

just got an ad from Direct tv. for $30. no HBO but 150 channels, no charge for receiver and free installation. Sounds good to me.
Does a unit owner have to pay for Comcast even though they don't use it.

Anonymous said...

Re; Direct TV. Some associations (like ours) restrict where the Direct TV Dish can be placed, so that may be a problem depending on where condo is located.

UCO President said...

Hi Mike and Peter,

First the COMCAST fee question; the cable contract fee is contingent on all units paying, in other words it is essentially a Common Element expense. There is no out for the duration of the contract.

So, if you put in a Dish, you will still be hit with the Cable fee.

As to placement of the Dish; FCC regulations require "Permission of the Owner" to place a Dish on the roof. That could be interpreted as 100% Unit owner concurrence.

However the dish could also be placed on the ground (Common Element);

The dish must have an unobstructed view of the Southern sky.


Mike said...

Thanks Dave

Anonymous said...

Why does satellite TV require a receiver at least the size of a dinner plate but satellite radio asks for one no bigger than a baby shark's fin?

UCO President said...

Hi Just Asking
Oct 17, 2008 7:04:00 PM,

Baby shark fin indeed; depending on species, a baby shark at birth is about two feet long, with a small fin in proportion.

Your average Satellite TV receiver comes in at 12" x 12" x 3" at birth. Not much bigger than the COMCAST Set-Top-Box.

The receiver contains numerous circuits; Tuner, Crypto, backlink MODEM, Dish control.

The circuitry in a Satellite Radio receiver has the tuner and the Crypto but no Backlink MODEM or Dish control.

Needless to say, the Baby Shark fin contains none of the above.
