Hi All,
One of the great anticipations in my life is the arrival monthly of the UCO Reporter. It is without question a UCO House Organ, which spews syrupy sweetness, erroneous statements and ignores the reality of the many problems we have in CV. The January 2009 issue is no exception, the UCO Officer Corps is a target rich environment, and some of them emit a never ending stream of error and oversight. Let’s look at one:
On page 5, in UCO VP Jerry Karpf’s column we find the following:
“As most of you know at this time, we have hired a company to negotiate a new contract with Comcast. Thanks to the skills of Myron Solomon, George Lowenstein and Dorothy Tetro, they have worked out a great deal for Century Village.”
OK, what do you BLOGGERS think about that statement?
Secondly, these “skilled” actors never even imagined that such a negotiating company as CSI existed, until your Cable Committee found them. They never imagined that there was the potential for large fees to be paid by a provider for the right to gain access to our village.
Finally, the “Great Deal” negotiated with CSI as to their compensation package was a joint effort, orchestrated by your Cable Committee and UCO.
VP Karpf and the “Three Skilled Actors” take note. The message you are sending through this statement, in the UCO Reporter, suggests that you view the efforts of our Cable Committee as superfluous, and that you clearly feel that you four can do a better job! Just say the word, here in this BLOG, and I shall promptly resign from the Cable Committee; I cannot speak for the others on the Committee.
Dave Israel
Cable Chair
Sunday, December 21, 2008
---As Chair of the Cable Committee, and in the name of every member of the Committee, I do not think much of it at all. The facts are quite different; first of all, CSI is not charged with merely negotiating a contract with Comcast; CSI will survey every potential provider of content, in order to obtain the best entertainment package for our Village as regards services and price.
---If one analogizes the effort to a football game, the play went as follows: the Cable Committee was the first to carry the ball and gained 70 yards. UCO then carried the ball the remaining 30 yards for a touchdown. Indeed admirable play, but don’t you think that our Cable Committee deserves a mention in the same breath as the “three skilled persons” mentioned in the article.
Posted by
UCO President
12/21/2008 05:39:00 PM
Labels: CV Cable TV
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I can only hope Mr. Karpf will develop the common sense to think through his articles more clearly, before criticizing another VP or discrediting the hard working committee that developed the choice of companies to negotiate for us.
You wonder how those electing him feel about someone whose writings have been so out of line twice in only office 5 months.
Come on Mr. Karpf the Committee deserves a correction in the next UCO reporter, even you should now see your glaring mistake.
How can I get an advance copy of the January 2009 UCO Reporter?
Hi Howard
Dec 21, 2008 6:49:00 PM,
If you truly mean can you obtain a copy of the Reporter prior to it's release; I do not think that is possible.
The January 2009 paper can be read at the CV Web site right now.
And then click on the UCO Reporter button.
If your Association is not getting their copies, see Irv Lazar at UCO.
The comment from our President George Lowenstein concerning the wonderful use of the new speed bumps is also a bit of misleading information for our residents. He mentions that if you come to a stop at the new speed bumps your car will smoothly glide over the bump without your foot on the gas pedal. This might be true if you were driving a tank, but it is certainly not true if you are driving the family vehicle. With the extreme height of the bump you have to give your car plenty of gas in order to propel it over the hump and than be jarred by the after shock when the car comes down on the other side.
It might be a good idea for the residents to increase their usage of the visitors lane and leave the transponder lane to George his cohorts and all the infamous gate crashers.
I attended a cable meeting in the party room put together by Dave and his committee and attended by CSI officals, also one at the club house theater where Dave stated the great imput by the officers of UCO, now printing this it's not so much the credit as to the facts and as I see it in my limited knowledge it's this, without Dave and his committee this process would or could had been brougt to standstill? I see both UCO thru
the committee trying to get a resolution to this comcast matter
The uco paper report is misleading to that conclusion from how i see it from afar if I am wrong please know it is without
Dave, when I read that article last week, the hair on the back of my head stood up. It was a slight. A NASTY SLIGHT. I knew it when I read it and I think it is shameful. I for one thank you and the Committee for all your wonderful, hard work.
As far as the speed bump goes, I have not used the resident side for 2 weeks. From here on end, it's the guest lane for me.
Just like our national government, it makes you shake your head.
Keep up the good work Dave. We little guys out there do thank you.
Too bad that all of you can recognize the slight to Dave and his committee, and not a single one of you has ever recognized the slight that was perpetrated on Howie Silver. I often read how wonderful Channel 63 is nowadays, but if it were not for Howie Silver, there would never have been a Channel 63. I haven't heard or seen anyone extend a thanks to Howie, except once when Frank Cornish thanked him. When Howie is hurt, nobody cares, but when poor Dave is hurt, it's a major catastrophe. Grow up Dave.
Dave, if you have time, could you make a thread for Random comments off thread topic, and shift those who wander? Including me.
Dave, thanks (again and again) for your very REAL contributions to a better life for all here at CV.
Howie showed his true colors at the farce of a UCO meeting last year!
David Israel has never been rude or disrespectful or in any manner talked down to his neighbor.Howie Silver, however, with his behavior at a delegate meeting, took whatever good will capital he should have had and threw it away.
Augh football analogies, try again Dave. You and your committee studied, trained, played 2 games with touchdowns with CCG and CSI, UCO prez scored an extra point - maybe.
If a president showed demanding a cut in your services would you give it, would you be happy! Have you heard of the *law of UCO unintended consquences, *you get what you pay for, *diminishing returns, *cutting the incentive for services can result in less enthusiastic services.
I hope CSI continues at full strength, despite lower incentive and Karpf doing his best to undercut their negotiations with his erroneous but loose lips writing.
Please do not quit Dave, that would be disastrous.
H. Silver may have worked on Channel 63 but for his own glory, he refused other volunteers and was a one man cmte, he did not care about the village, he dropped us in it when he quit and refused to help those trying to pick up the ball. He obviously has serious problems displayed at the Delegate Mtg, they should not be dumped on the village.
Where is professional management that would know which cmtes are not functioning for the benefit of the village?
Please refer to my comment's about MR. SILVER on the date 12-22-08 post
concerning what I see it as a CONTINUITY ISSUE, when one falls
another must be there to proceed with the process without missing a BEAT!!!!!!!!!, no other way of doing the Village's Business!!!!!!
Dear David and committee...PLEASE don't even think of quitting. Remember whose mouth the words came from. We need people like you and your committee, whom are for this village. I think G. Lowenstein should take Mr. Karpf to task?
To Dave, and the rest of the
Cable Cmte. DON'T EVEN THINK of
Resigining..Unfortunately, we have
Officers, who either have compre=
hension problems, audio, visual or all three.. and they proclaim to be the end all on every subject!
Bettie L
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