Friday, February 27, 2009


Would someone be so kind as to tell me why my
transponder works at the East Gate but will not
open the gate for me at the West Gate.
It's frustrating to say the least.


Hi All,
Becker and Poliakoff have recently conducted an Online survey of Condominium Owners.
Below is an extract from this survey, and it is not good news. Following the extract are two references to full reports.


“The survey elicited responses from 1,589 property owners on a range of questions related to the mortgage foreclosure crisis in their communities. Three quarters of survey respondents were in a position as elected members of their community’s Board of Directors to have in-depth information and insight into the financial pressures caused by foreclosures.
In the final report titled “State of Distress: The Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis within Florida’s Condominium and Homeowner Association Population,” two-thirds (65.3%) of respondents living in communities hit by mortgage foreclosures said lender foreclosures are “causing a revenue shortfall that is placing a burden on the association’s finances.” As a result, 37.9% said the foreclosure-related revenue crunch for Florida condos and HOAs has resulted in “postponements of major capital investments in upkeep or repair” of buildings and other property.
And, when asked if the Florida Legislature, which is set to reconvene in regular session on March 3rd in Tallahassee, “should increase the liability of first-mortgage holders for unpaid assessments,” a resounding 90.3% responded “Yes,” that the Legislature should act “in order to decrease the financial burden of unpaid assessments on community associations.”

Dave Israel

Thursday, February 26, 2009

CV Waterfall

Tropic breezes waft the palms around the CV waterfall (reclaimed water inflow), needs little pathways and green benches.
There is a little more water this week but it still does not even reach the bottom of the measuring pipe. The brown line could be last year’s rainy season mark, Ya think! This post goes along with Andre’s comments on amount pumped.

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Foam & Algae

You don’t like the pics?! It still looks better than it smells, whatever was sprayed we now have foam and algae, birds enjoy it.

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shoreline restoration

This appears to be some shoreline restoration on the SW side of the clubhouse, its firm, should be resistant to sun and bird stuff. The Infrastructure/Irrigation mtg. minutes are still not available (typed up) at UCO.
Pretty boats, just becos’.

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Buying Show Tickets Monthly

Yesterday I had my first experience of buying show tickets. I had picked up the program list for March when it came out in February and decided to buy a few tickets. I went into the office and was told to come back February 25th. I thought that was odd as the person who sells tickets wasn't doing much at the time. I was there at 9:00AM when they start to sell the tickets. What a mad house. I was 45th in line and told to wait in room C, I believe with the other buyers. I was told by the guard that someone had come at 6:30AM and that there were only a few tickets let for The Platters, one of the groups I was interested in. Thanks to a generous lady that I know from a club I managed to get tickets to the shows that I wanted that I would not have been able to get if I had waited hours in line. I am the proud possessor of row 1 seat, 1 tickets to four shows. Who in WPRF ever came up with this system of buying the show tickets should have their head examined. I decided not to get tickets in advance as you cannot ask for your preferred seats. Will I be able to see from seat 1 row 1, probably not but since they are musical I can close my eyes and listen. If I were able to get the tickets weeks earlier would I have gotten better seats, probably. Since the list of shows are published months earlier so people can buy tickets in advance why not sell tickets after the season tickets buyers are taken care of? That way they can be sold throughout the year as people are inspired to buy them and people won't feel compelled to bring a sleeping bag and sleep out to be first in line. I think that WPRF should take another look at how they sell the tickets and get with it.

Cellphone Interference

I am having a problem with my cellphone. It is a Razr. Every time I pass through a high concentration of wires, I get an echo with whoever I am speaking with. It makes understanding whatever is being said almost impossible. Any suggestions? (No, I don't think parmesan cheese will fix it.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CV Blog And Chat


I want you to know how grateful I am for having the freedom of your
Blog to voice my opinion. I have great admiration and am impressed
in knowing that I can count on you for whatever subject matter I need
answers to. I question why some Bloggers love to knock you down
knowing that never would they be able to do it if we didn't have this
Blog and were only on the CV Forum. When someone needs an
answer to whatever you are always there to answer and help them
out. Next week when the CV elections are held I pray that the
delegates will carefully study everybody's bio and make a wise
choice as to who they want to represent them. CVers right now
are not happy with the way UCO is conducting our business and
next week can make a big change with the way CV will be operated.
To all delegate voters please take this election seriously if you want
to see major changes in the way business here at CV should be

Water level

Hey, something is happening! The Recycled water intake meter shows that between 09.30 yesterday and this morning same time (02/25/2009), we have purchased 1,696,780 gallons of badly needed water.
Is it because the equipment is failing and dumping more than the daily contracted 750,000 gallons or someone at UCO finally had a look at the lakes and made a decision to purchase more water?

If it is the latter Thanks that someone at UCO and keep up the good work. Andre

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dead Tree Removal

I got 4 estimates from licensed and insured tree services for complete removal of 5 dead orange trees. One estimate was less than ½ of the highest, lesson - call around.
Best price Jim’s Tree Service 561 603 4727, see Pennysaver. They did a superb job and cleanup. They have a radio controlled heavy equipment stump grinder, it is neat to see it trundle around by itself, the worker can stand in the shade with the controls.

Jim’s Tree Service (above) and David Mummert LLC 561-255-8025 both said they could reduce prices more if they serviced several associations’ trees at one time.

Note: I went to PBC PZ&B Landscaping no permit is required to remove dead/hazardous trees.

Why is the water level so low?????

We have lost almost another foot of water since last week. It has not rained significantly and as usual some evaporation took place and very little water was used for landscape irrigation within the Village..

At the same time, we were getting recycled water from the County.

Since January 26 to this date we have purchased 13,162,000 gallons.
We were allowed 22,500,000 gallons during that same period and therefore we are suffering a shortfall of 9,338,000 gallons.

Why have we not purchased our full complement of water since January 26 while in the middle of a very dry season????

Why are we not getting our full bucket of water?????

Looking back at UCO 2008 budget we can see that line item 5070 ( Reclaimed Water Usage ) had an annual budget of $ 9,125. and that we have spent $ $3,475. out of it.

We can also see that line item 5069 ( Reclaimed Water Base Fee ) had a budget of $ 32,600. and that we have spent almost all of it with $ 32,570.

Why do we pay a full Base Fee if we are not getting our full complement of water?

Following are some extracts of Clause 8 of the BULK RECLAIMED WATER AGREEMENT:
...This agreement is contingent on the County's access
to sufficient quantities of reclaimed water to provide UCO
with the amount of Reclaimed Water provided in this agreement...

... In the event that County must reduced the amount of
Reclaimed Water provided to UCO, or temporarily or permanently
ceases providing Reclaimed Water to UCO ,
the monthly base fee
will be adjusted by an amount proportionate to the reduction

in service...

Since UCO has not shown in its 2008 budget that the Monthly Base Fee had been prorated to the percentage of water received from the County, one must conclude that the shortage in supply was the failure of UCO and not of the County.
If this is not a true statement then the County owes UCO $ 20,860.00 $

Why UCO did not purchased all its allocation of Reclaimed Water in 2008 and is continuing doing the same in 2009????

Were the lakes full in 2008 or didn't they look the same as of this year?

Why are we not monitoring and managing this contract specifications in a responsible manner?

As per Clause 9 of the Bulk Reclaimed Water Agreement with the County, a water level sensor was installed and is supposed to be remotely connected with a flow control valve located on County's side of the Point of Service. The flow control valve will be designed to automatically shut off the flow of Reclaimed Water should the elevation of the Lake System exceed the level authorized by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Is the maintenance of that system properly done by the County?

The inside of the blue plastic tube housing this level sensor is located near the pipe dumping water into our canal system. As can be seen lookng into it sand, mud and weed fills the base of the reservoir and the metallic pieces holding the float is all rusted. Furthermore when moving the float ( similar to a toilet bowl installation ) a funny rattle can be hear and the thing is loose and may fall apart soon. When lifting the float to its maximum level .....nothing happens.....

Why is UCO accepting such technical components of a critical system to become so deteriorated?

Our lawns, shrubs, trees and flower beds are suffering from an evident lack of water and the lake system is very ugly to look at from any point of vue. Nature does not help by not sending water and UCO is worsening the case by not professionally managing the only other mean at our disposal to give our Village an upscale look.
Since writing about the problem is not sufficient to move the decision makers, let's make sure that a large number of owners fed up with this situation,
attend the next Executive Meeting on Monday March 2nd at 1.00 p.m. in room B of the Main Clubhouse.
We could also attend the Irrigation/Infrastructure Committee at 09.30 a.m. in the UCO office on March 10th 2009..

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hi All,
You may have noticed two new features on the BLOG.
They are both on the Side Bar as the last and the penultimate entries.

The first new Widget recognizes that there are CV BLOGGERS whose first language may not be English. Thus by clicking on the appropriate Flag icon, you may convert the BLOG text to French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, Japanese...Etc. Have no fear, it only converts the text on your screen; not on all users screens.

Please give it a try and let us know what you think.

The second new Widget, will track country of origin of each visitor and display that countries Flag and the number of visitors to our BLOG from that Country.

Take a look and rate the widget in the comment stream.


Dave Israel

Notarial Services available at UCO

In George Loewenstein's column, he states due in fact that we absorb the fees, of
some volunteer's who are now Notarys, and that this service is available to all..
It would be interesting to know, if any of the blogger's, would available themselves
of this service, considering that discreation is not one of the virtues,shared by
many in this adminstration.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Read It and Weep

Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police

If this comes to pass, will the Wi-Fi in the Clubhouse go away, or will we have to hire an administrator to monitor our Wi-Fi logs?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Frank saves Lincoln

VP Frank Cornish gets water to CV Lincoln Street, that is. Water seemed to have been forgotten for new turf and new ‘live oak’ trees until yesterday and 2x today – thanks Frank. Stay tuned for return of the leaves, we hope.

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State Farm No Longer Floridian

In other pictures, click the link:


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hi All,
What I feared would happen has now happened. The Chair of our Transportation Committee (who coincidentally is running for VP of UCO) is now lobbying for the Bus company and endorsing egregious waste of Unit Owner money.

Please see Ms. LaBonte's article in the current UCO Reporter; Page 3.

Research from Canada is rejected: Ok!, here is some Research from right here in the USA:



If you're in a drive-through restaurant/business line or waiting for someone and you'll be parked and sitting for 10 seconds or longer... turn off your car's engine.

For every two minutes a car is idling, it uses about the same amount of fuel it takes to go about one mile. Research indicates that the average person idles their car five to 10 minutes a day. People usually idle their cars more in the winter than in the summer. But even in winter, you don't need to let your car sit and idle for five minutes to "warm it up" when 30 seconds will do just fine.
But you're not going anywhere. Idling gets ZERO miles per gallon.
The recommendation is: If you are going to be parked for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine. Ten seconds of idling can use more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it. And when you start your engine, don't step down on the accelerator, just simply turn the key to start.
An alternative to idling is to park your car, walk inside, do your business and then go back to your car.
Here are some other Myths associated with idling.
Myth #1: The engine should be warmed up before driving. Reality: Idling is not an effective way to warm up your vehicle, even in cold weather. The best way to do this is to drive the vehicle. With today's modern engines, you need no more than 30 seconds of idling on winter days before driving away.
Myth #2: Idling is good for your engine. Reality: Excessive idling can actually damage your engine components, including cylinders, spark plugs, and exhaust systems. Fuel is only partially combusted when idling because an engine does not operate at its peak temperature. This leads to the build up of fuel residues on cylinder walls that can damage engine components and increase fuel consumption.
Myth #3: Shutting off and restarting your vehicle is hard on the engine and uses more gas than if you leave it running. Reality: Frequent restarting has little impact on engine components like the battery and the starter motor. Component wear caused by restarting the engine is estimated to add $10 per year to the cost of driving, money that will likely be recovered several times over in fuel savings from reduced idling. The bottom line is that more than ten seconds of idling uses more fuel than restarting the engine.


Ok, Why is our Transportation Chair supporting the Bus Company on this issue of wasting thousands of Unit Owner dollars and pumping toxic waste into the atmosphere? You tell me!!!

This is a Technical issue, not to mention a matter of common sense. The Bus company is operating "Busses" when you operate any Motor Vehicle, you incur wear and tear on the vehicle, why increase the problem by insisting on idling the vehicle excessively; this argument is ludicrous. "Canadian Cars are not Florida Busses" My God, give me a break!

This is about excessively idling gasoline engines (4 cylinder, 6 cylinder, 8 cylinder or yes 10 cylinder) polluting our air and wasting our money.

The article above is from the California Consumer Energy Center; no doubt the Transportation Committee Chair will now accuse them also of having some sinister agenda.


Turn the Busses off at the Clubhouse and at Pubix.

Know ye well that if I am elected as UCO VP I will exert every effort to see that they are turned off; no doubt that fact is considered by some in UCO to be "Dangerous"

The Committee Chairs should be dedicated to protecting the CV Unit Owners from the Rapacious Greed of the Vendors, not advocating for the vendors!!

Dave Israel


The original posting of 2/09@3:33PM by elaine b, in part refers to the statement made
at the Delegate' Assembly Meeting, by the Nominating Committee Chair, who stated
that " The candidate's Bio did not want the fact that you graduated from MIT or
Princeton, or anything like that" Adhering to that request, my bio, that was submitted for publication in the Reporter,(received today,) detailed MY involvement
in Century Village ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UNLIKE the MAJORITY of Candidates,
endorsed by the committee, who submitted every detail, short of their sexual preference and current romantic involvement, I complied, leaving me at a
disadvantage. My Bio is posted elsewhere on this site, but does not reach the
masses, am I to conclude this was deliberate, or the usual ERROR?


CV Fund goes live; Filing as Florida Non Profit Corporation.

CV Fund BLOG Site:


People Helping People – Can you help?

Florida Corporate filing:

Detail by Entity Name

Florida Non Profit Corporation


Filing Information
Document Number
FEI Number
Date Filed
Principal Address
Mailing Address
Registered Agent Name & Address
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address

Title PD


Title TD


Title SD


Document Images


Dave Israel

Winter Sunbathing

Where are the best Winter spots to get a tan in CV? Least wind, most reflected sun. Make the northerners jealous. The noisy-guy-corner of the Guest Pool area will not suffice.
(Useful answers please, you blew it on the Clubhouse show question!!)
Your BLOGMEISTER replies.
Despite the fact that Elaine was unable to get Madam Schumann Heink for me at the Clubhouse, I am going to answer her question.
To do so I have added the graphic of CV at the top of the Post, courtesy of GOOGLE Earth.
Let us commence:
The approximate distance from North Hastings to the Southern edge of CV is 1781 Meters, 1852 Meters is one Nautical Mile.
Thus an angle subtended at the center of the Earth will describe a distance of approximately .96 ArcMinutes along this line.
This will decrease the angle of incidence of the solar radiation received to a minimum obtainable within the CV Campus, circa 108 degrees. The minimum angle would be 90 Degrees at the Equator, with maximum tanning effect.
Thus to put it simply the best location would be at the Southampton pool area. Of course, you will have to put up with noise of traffic on Okeechobee Blvd. A small matter when in search of a tan.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Picking Clubhouse Shows

What do you think are the ‘best shows’?? Many of them repeat each season. I order a small selection of shows each year and try to pick those that are popular, easy to sell in case I cannot attend. I think the recent show was a goodie ‘Frankie Kein’.
I look for energy, dance, showmanship, sparkling costumes. (Shrieking singing I can live without).
Please give your recommendations.


Hi All,

The following Candidates are running for Executive Board. I have sourced this list from two persons in a position to know; but if anyone sees an error or omission; please advise in the comment stream:

David Bernstein.....George Franklin..........Bettie Bleckman**
David Frankel....... Randall Borchardt**.....Louise Gerson
Sal Bummalo.........Dan Gladstone.............Jackie Karlan
Sandi Cohen..........Syd Kronish..................Irv Lazar
Dot Loewenstein...Haskell Morin..............Marie Oliver
Michael Rayber.....Joseph Saponaro.........Phil Shapkin,
Ted Silverman.......Lorie Torres.................Jeanette Veglia
Olga Wolkenstein.

Dave Israel


Hi all.

In another Post an anonymous contributor stated that the President of UCO makes the UCO VP's swear not to publish on this BLOG.

I have now heard from two VP's, Ken Davis and Frank Cornish; that this is false.

It goes without saying that we must remove the offending post.

The farther reaching consequence may be that we will have to eliminate anonymous posting altogether.

Please think twice before posting false "information"

Dave Israel


Since there are no such restrictions on UCO VP Posting, it would be nice if they would indeed respond to Unit Owner questions here!!!

Oprah Created a Monster

On her show, Oprah Winfrey endorsed the Kindle, the device that invented for people to receive newspaper material and books electronically. Unlike so-called smartphones, the Kindle arranged for things so that in order to access material, you have to pay for it.

Oprah is the smartest cookie in the room — she endorsed Obama, and look at him now! Anyway, real newspapers are looking at the Kindle business model and saying they should charge people to read their stories online.

I realize we're in another depression, but if this keeps up, we're going to see the return of pay toilets.

Put,Put,Put, someone is spraying the algeas

That's the noise of a small boat moving along the banks of our looked alike lake.

Thanks to someone who cannot write or speak publicly, a spraying of the algeas is taking place now in the Wellington lagoons. What product are they using? Is it chemical or natural? Who is doing it? UCO or WPRF or the County? Why this solution instead of seeding more carps as suggested before on this blog?
Maybe we are too old or too ignorant to be worth of consideration by the power at UCO or WPRF. Thanks anayway for doing something to get rid of these algeas and..... in YOU... WE TRUST. Andre

Monday, February 16, 2009


18,000 bits of Space junk in Earth orbit
Recently an IRIDIUM communications satellite collided with a long defunct Soviet Satellite, COSMOS 2252.
The debris created, added to the above depiction of the 18,000 bits of Space Junk now orbiting our planet, from low orbit out to geostationary altitude.
This gives new meaning to the term "hazard to navigation"
Apparently we are not satisfied with polluting the Earth; we are now attempting to pollute near space.
Dave Israel


Reclaimed water, flows in; Irrigation water is pumped out; the missing nexus!
The problem is simple enough. The plan was not properly researched and conceptualized from day one.
It was never a viable plan to keep the lakes up to any particular “standard” level. The Water Company uses the term:
“recharge our lakes”, a very slippery term which does not necessarily mean to completely refill.
The point being that the pipe that discharges the reclaimed effluent should have been bifurcated; meaning that one leg should have been connected to the pipe that takes water out of the lake for irrigation.
The other should simply discharge effluent into the lake. No water should be taken out of the lake for irrigation.
This arrangement would remove all restrictions on use of that component of the water used exclusively for irrigation; leg one, as that is the deal which the County makes to induce customers to agree to use reclaimed water for irrigation purposes.
We should seriously investigate a redesign of the system along the lines suggested above and then renegotiate the Bulk Agreement to raise the limit to at least; 1,250,000 gallons per day.
Please read the following from the Palm Beach County Government site referenced below:
Palm Beach County is the leading supplier of reclaimed water in Southeast Florida. The Department reclaims approximately one-third of all the wastewater it cleans.
The highly-treated wastewater effluent is treated, filtered and disinfected at the County's Southern Region Water Reclamation Facility on Hagen Ranch Road in suburban Boynton Beach.
Reclaimed water must meet stringent state and federal standards, and it is safely used for irrigation throughout the country. In Florida there are more than 400 water recycling projects, making our state a national leader in the use of reclaimed water.
The treatment process eliminates harmful substances, but leaves traces of nitrogen and phosphorous that act as fertilizers when reclaimed water is applied to lawns and landscapes.
Golf Course and Lawn Irrigation.
Approximately nine million gallons per day of reclaimed water is distributed by Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department to local golf courses and residential lawns for irrigation. The reclaimed water is delivered through a system of distribution pipes that is completely separate from the drinking water distribution system. These pipes are painted purple, which is the color code for reclaimed water.
Constructed Wetlands

Another one million gallons per day of water from the Southern Region Water Reclamation Facility is sent to the Wakodahatchee Wetlands, a constructed wetland located on Jog Road in suburban Delray Beach.
The Department has also developed a second constructed wetland, Green Cay Wetlands, that is approximately 100 acres in size, giving the Department the capability to recycle another two to three million gallons per day of the highly-treated wastewater effluent.
In addition to preserving our fresh water resources, the constructed wetlands create valuable wildlife habitat and offer the public much-needed green space for passive recreation activities like walking, bird watching, and nature photography.
Benefits of Palm Beach County's Reclaimed Water Program:
Irrigation with reclaimed water is a simple, low-cost, user-friendly way to help conserve our fresh drinking water supplies.
Palm Beach County's Reclaimed Water Program is easy on your wallet, too. There is no connection charge for reclaimed water service, and only a minimal monthly commodity charge is billed to the customer, regardless of the amount of reclaimed water used.
This is a bargain compared to the cost of using drinking water for landscape irrigation.
· Customers save money on their water bills because reclaimed water is less expensive that drinking water.
· Reclaimed water helps lawns and golf courses thrive because it leaves traces of nitrogen and phosphorous that act as fertilizers.
· The use of reclaimed water increases the amount of fresh drinking water available.
· Water recycling helps the environment.

· Reclaimed water is not subject to water restrictions for irrigation.

· Reclaimed water helps to recharge ground water aquifers.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


As many have commented, we seem to be the home for a large number of Algae which have gathered on the banks of our lakes. I have seen a few of our generous and well meaning neighbors walk down to the banks of our lakes and with a rake, remove much of the algae in a small area. This certainly has improved he appearance of the lakes. Is it possible that UCO could have some of our maintenance staff be diverted to this project, completing the task in a very short time, and making the lakes more attractive? Certainly we need more water, and maybe some colorful plantings around the water area, but it would be a big step in beautification if we could have the floating algae removed at the edges of our lakes.
Thanks. Bob B

Friday, February 13, 2009


Posted by Picasa
Left click on article to supersize and read
In Quill v. North Dakota


The Supreme Court of the United States, in a 1992 decision, effectively determined that any purchase made Online, from a firm which had no physical presence in your State, need not be burdened by State Sales Tax.
Slowly, some States have been passing laws that contravene the US Supreme Court’s decision, see the article above from the March 2009 edition of PC World; it would seem that Tax Free Internet purchases may be on the way out.
There may indeed be “No such thing as a Free Lunch”
Dave Israel

Will this be enough Water

6M rise in Ocean Level if the Arctic Shelf collapses due to global warming…
Search on Arctic and Antarctic shelf collapses this ice is melting and breaking in many areas.
Yes we are in the red zone.
Latest studies suggest that the western part of the Antarctica (WAIS) might be more sensitive towards a global warming than previously assumed. The WAIS covers about 10 percent by volume of the entire Antarctic ice sheet, which is equivalent to a sea-level rise of about 6m.
- Click on title for one link - Dave , you will like #3.

Posted by Picasa


Click link

See what projects might be coming to West Palm , other Fl. cities and different states.

Enjoy, Mike

Canal/Lake Water Level

Thursday morning is one of the mornings that we get our lawn watered.
The sprinklers did not come on.
I saw Scott from Seacrest during the day and he told me the water level is too low.
My condo is at the north west side near the intake water pipe. There are other areas in the village that have the same problem.
We have had this problem before but never since we are getting the reclaimed water.
He said that they have to dredge the canal.
That is what I suggested to Bumolo when I called him this summer as the canal was clogged from the pipe bursting near the footbridge.
He was not interested in what I had to say.
I also mentioned the same thing to Pat Blunk at the opening of the new office. He said they were working on it. Nothing happened.
What will it take to light a fire under these people?


Hi All,

Please give the following a read; it is quite interesting:

Dave Israel


Hi all,
Here is the latest mail:,14845,6687,00.html,14852,6695,00.html

Dave Israel


Due in fact to attending many meetings, both as an interested observer, and then as a delegate, has prompted me to submit my bio for consideration as a member of the Executive Board.
Several areas need to be addressed, Communications, for one...Transportation another, Restoration of the Lakes and Lagoons. For starters...We need competent independent representation, which I know I can provide.

Bettie Lee Bleckman
251 Chatham M
West Palm Beach, Fl. 33417
Business College Graduate, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Discipline: Accounting.
Controller of Family held businesses, 1985-2005
Administrative Assistant/Closer Mortgage Banker
September 1983-April 1986
Accountant in Smithtown, Long Island, NY., CPA
December 1980-August 1983.
Office Manager of Fira Benenson Inc., Haute Couture,
New York City, November 1957-August 1961
Full time resident of CV, as of May 2006, seasonal
from time of purchase, December 2002.
Community involvement in civic, charitable and
religious organizations, in Brookhaven Township,
Centereach, Lake Grove area, from 1971 until 1987
when I began snow-birding to S. Florida.
Advisory Board Member of N Miami Beach Co-op,
owned by my husband and I, from 1987 through
April 2002.
The years of 1962 through 1980, were devoted to home and
hearth which included husband, 3 children, 2 dogs and
left no time for outside employment.
CV Experience
Treasurer of Chatham M - 2008- re-elected for 2009
President - 2007, Secretary -2006-5-4
Acting Treasurer - May - December 2006 ( due to death)
Acting President - June- December 2006 ( due to sale )
Originator of Petition to re-institute Tuesday Night Karaoke
Co participant in meeting with VP Anita Cruz, regarding
the continuance of Sunday Night Sing-a-long, which was
scheduled for cancellation.

To serve the community in any capacity in which I have had
both experience and knowledge.
Posted by Dave Israel for
Bettie Bleckman

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hi all,

Save the Earth, Save our money, Turn off the busses at the Clubhouse and at Publix.

Dave Israel


Hi all,

Funny but sadly true.

Dave Israel

Anti-Idling Laws

Our idling, polluting, money-wasting buses deserve their own post/thread. Many comments were scattered in the UCO Officer posts.
An excellent observation from Grace: Ms La Bonte has a different answer for different people. When I complained to her she told me the buses would be too hot for the people if they shut them off. I told her I (turn) my car off when I am not using it and turn the motor on when I am leaving with the air conditioning when needed. I cool off quite quickly. No one seems to adddress the pollution factor. I walk past the buses on my way into the clubhouse and hold my breath because I don't want to breath in the air from the exhausts. In Montreal, where I hail from, they passed a laws years ago that it was unlawful to leave a car idling for more than 2 minutes. Ms LaBonte in her wisdom? is a polluter.

Dave, What was the dollar cost for busses standing 6 deep at the Clubhouse for 15 minutes with engines running and three busses which do the same at Publix for 10 minutes?? TIA

Ok! first a few assumptions:

1) Bus engine size: 351 CI / 5.7L ( this info. from a Capri mechanic but not confirmed by management).

2) Fuel consumption @ idle: 500ML in 10 minutes (Federal statistics mean value).

3) Gas Cost: $2.00 per gallon.
6 busses idle at CH for 15 minutes: $13,967.92 / year

3 busses idle at Publix for 10 minutes: $4,655.67 / year

Total: $18,623.59.

Remember, these are only two data categories; where else in the route do the busses idle for over 1 or 2 minutes?

Save the air and save our money; turn the busses off during extended stops of over 2 minutes, not to include traffic lights.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Make each thing as simple as possible – but no simpler (Einstein)
Hi all
There has been some interesting discussion about the “Water Table” here in South Florida as regards the level of our lakes.
What is this all about;
let’s have a look.

First a few acronyms:

USGS: United States Geological Survey

NGVD: National Geodetic Vertical Datum (A simplified view is Mean Sea Level-

DATUM: A piece of Data
That should do it-
The USGS operates National, near real time, data collection systems. They rely upon information collected by thousands of sensors and are coordinated in mainframe computational facilities. One of the items they monitor is Water Table Levels.

For this exercise we will zero in of the 214 monitoring stations here in Florida and more particularly
on those stations in Palm Beach County:

At the Referenced Web site you may see graphics for Jupiter, Tequesta and Boca Raton: and 211 other sensor sites in Florida What do these graphics tell us:

Jupiter: Land surface Datum Plane is 25.1 Feet above NGVD
Water level is circa 23 Feet above NGVD hence the mean level is 2 feet below the surface; we should be so lucky.—
Tequesta: Land surface Datum Plane is 14.5 feet above NGVD
Water level is circa 1.2 feet above NGVD hence the mean water level is 13.3 feet below the surface
Boca Raton: Land surface Datum Plane is 18.7 feet above NGVD
Water level is circa -.50 feet below NGVD hence mean water level 19.2 feet below the surface.

Folks; it’s hard to beat these numbers, look at the graphics; the levels have been worse but they are not good.

It not impossible, but it would take an incredible volume of water to fill our lakes.

Dave Israel

In removing the disfunctional graphics, I lost the Comment stream; fortunately I had them backed up elsewhere.

The two comments are pasted below.

1 said...
Very interesting data David but how does it explain the Cypress Lake situation, where according to Elaine, the water level is about 2 feet below the turf line?

Ours seems to be about 5 feet.If it is impossible!!!!! or not realistic!!!!!to refill our lakes, what are the options available to ensure that we are not looking at a River of Grass or a Swamp in the coming years?

Being a snowbird, I never saw it, but apparently the lakes are full during the rainy season or when a Hurricane hits.

How can we conserve that water level?

Lake Okeechobee was below 10 feet last year or the year before and now it is above 13 feet. How come they were able to maintain that level and not us?

And there is still Cypress Lake which is not as low as us while being on the same water table level.

Could it be that they have maintained a regular purchase of recycled water while we did not?

We are still not getting our agreed contractual capacity of recycled water everyday.

Can you find out from the public records the amount of water sold to each contractor by the County and do you have any comments on my questions above?



There must be a reason.

Feb 11, 2009 8:34:00 PM

Hi Andre,

The thing about Cypress Lakes, as noted by Elaine, is that they are allocated up to 700K gallons daily and have much less Water surface.

I believe we should try taking our full quota daily for 1 month and see if we can gain any ground; my only point being, it's going to be a hard slog.

Sorry about the graphics not opening I will take a look at the problem, and if I cannot fix; I will take the graphics down.

They may be seen at the referenced site.

In order to keep the level high, one could line the lakes. This is tricky in reverse; as when the water table rises things could become troublesome.

We could try negotiating for a higher limit but there is an out in the agreement if insufficient Reclaimed water is available, the Reclaimed water limit may be reduced.

Lake Okeechobee is a different kettle-of-fish; it is a real lake, tied into the flood control system of all of Southern Florida.Keep in mind that our, so called lakes and canals, are really Catch-Basins and Drainage-Ditches respectively.

Dave Israel


Hi All,
The following Newsletter was sent to me by Charlie Koppelman; a Unit Owner here in CV. Charlie has been elected Commander of his New Jersey Chapter #148 of Korean War Veterans KWV.

I thought our BLOGGERS would find this interesting and it is published here with permission from Charlie.
If you have questions please contact Charlie directly at the Email address published below.

Dave Israel

Central Jersey Chapter #148
Korean War/Service Veterans Association

February 2009
This is our Chapters first e-mail newsletter. It is going out to all our Chapter #148 K.W.V. members who have E-mail. (If you are reading this without receiving it by E-mail it means either you don’t have e-mail or I don’t have your e-mail address.) It will also be going to KWV State and National Offices as well as other veterans. This will save our chapter money and have more of a distribution. All E-Mail is sent BLIND COPY, which means no one will know who is receiving it.
The following Officers have been elected for Chapter #148 for the years 2009-2010.
Commander: Charles Koppelman - 609-655-3111
Sr. Vice Commander: Andrew Oslinker - 609-860-0251
Jr. Vice Commander: Bernard London - 609-655-0544
Installation will take place on Wednesday May 13th 2009 at 10:00 AM (SHARP). Installation will be held at the Monroe Township Municipal Building (Court Room). Installing Officer will be New Jersey State K.W.V. Commander: George Bruzgis.
Membership in our chapter is now open. For more details please call me at (609) 655-3111
Sat Feb 14 - Valentine’s Day
Mon Feb 16 - Presidents Day
Wed Feb 25 - Ash Wednesday
Sun March 8 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
Mon March 9 - Purim Begins at sundown
Tue March 17 - St Patrick’s Day
Fri March 20 - Spring Begins
Sun March 29 - National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic
Sun April 5 - Palm Sunday
Wed April 8 - Passover Begins
Fri April 10 - Good Friday
Sun April 12 - Easter Sunday
Sun April 19 - Orthodox Easter
Wed May 13 - Chapter #148 Installation & Meeting
VA Implementing National Safety “Step-Up”WASHINGTON (Feb. 9, 2009) – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is calling for a special training campaign on safety – called a “Step-Up” – from March 8 to 14 at all medical centers and outpatient clinics to ensure VA staff follow the highest standards for patient safety.“The safety of our patients is our foremost concern at VA,” said Dr. Michael J. Kussman, VA’s Under Secretary for Health.
“Therefore, I am ordering all of our centers and clinics to re-examine their procedures and safeguards so we know that Veterans will not be put at risk by the people they have come to trust.”The nationwide Step-Up is the culmination of a VA education program to implement stronger procedures and better accountability at VA health care facilities.
The training was triggered by VA inspections that found reprocessing of endoscopic equipment did not follow the manufacturer’s exact instructions at two VA medical centers. The facilities -- located in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Augusta, Ga. -- have already taken corrective action.VA officials are not aware of any patients having been harmed by improperly reprocessed equipment. Although risks are small, the department is being very conservative and notifying patients who might have been treated by the affected equipment.Normal activities will continue during the Step-Up at all VA facilities, but with extra emphasis on safety and proper processing protocols. Specific efforts will include retraining on reprocessing endoscopes, establishment of easily-tracked accountability for instrument processing, and training on standard operating procedures by facility leadership.Patient appointments should not be affected, but individual facilities will notify patients if schedule changes are necessary.
If you are a member of Jersey Central Chapter #148 K.W.V. (ONLY CHAPTER MEMBERS REPLY) I need the following information from you to bring our Chapter records up to date, please e-mail back to me or send to me at: Charles Koppelman
6 Yarmouth Drive. Monroe Township, NJ 08831-4742 as soon as possible, thank you.
Please Print all information
Your Name ___________________________
Spouse Name _________________________
(If no spouse mark none)
Telephone Number _____________________
E-mail _______________________________
(If no e-mail mark none)
Birthday __________________ (NO YEAR)
Spouse Birthday ____________ (NO YEAR)(If no spouse mark none)
Anniversary ________________(NO YEAR)
(If no anniversary mark none)
(Army Veterans ONLY)
(If I contacted you before on this matter and you received your packet please do not reply)
Charles Koppelman has been appointed as a U.S. Army Ambassador for Freedom Team Salute.
Freedom Team Salute is a Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army program. The program recognizes U.S. Army Veterans.
Any Army Veteran who has been honorably discharged from the Army, regardless of what length of service or when. Army Veterans include - Army Air Force, Army Air Corps, Women’s Air Corps and Army Nurse Corps.
Honorees will receive a commendation package in the mail that includes an official Army lapel pin, Army decal, certificate and a letter of appreciation both signed by the Army Chief of Staff and the Secretary of the Army. It will take 4 - 6 weeks for a packet to be received from the date of receiving your information.
Freedom Team Salute serves as the centerpiece of the essential and enduring bond between our U.S. Army and every American who lives with an appreciation of the price of Freedom. The program is a voice of sincere appreciative for all those who embody the essence of “Army Strong”. Freedom Team Salute exits to recognize the sacrifices made by all those who support our Soldiers.
Freedom Team Salute honors the millions of Soldier Veterans who have served and remain as living connection to generations of duty, honor, and patriotism.
There have been more than 1.3 million Commendation recipients since the program began in May 2005.
Veterans are more than deserving of special thanks for their service and sacrifice. This is the only Army-wide recognition program that honors veterans with this special tribute.
There is no cost to participate.
The program is fully funded by the U.S. Army.
Please send the following information to: Charles Koppelman
6 Yarmouth Drive. Monroe Township, NJ 08831-4742
PLEASE PRINT all information
Salutation: Mr. _____ Mrs. _____ Ms. _____ Dr. ______
Name: (first, last and middle initial) _______________________________
Rank: _______________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City: _________________________State: _______ Zip Code: _________
You may E-mail to:
Freedom Team Salute names and addresses are ONLY used to send original Commendation packages. We will never sell or give your information to a third party.
To Unsubscribe from our mailing list, send e-mail to
Say Unsubscribe and give your e-mail address together with your name.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hi All,
Just prior to the next Delegate Assembly (DA) meeting, at 8:00 am, there will be an election for the Executive Board and for two Vice Presidents of UCO.

There are three candidates for the two VP positions, they are: Ms. Claudette LaBonte, Bob Marshall and Yours Truly, Dave Israel.

I am advised that Ms. LaBonte was endorsed by UCO VP Jerry Karpf at a meeting of his Maintenance Committee. I am also advised that Ms LaBonte spoke at a meeting of the OWLS; is she an OWL member?

Ok; if UCO is supporting Ms LaBonte, so be it. This fact tells the voters that if you like the way UCO has functioned over the last 3 years; then she is your candidate.

I am distinctly not pleased with UCO Operations and I will stand to say so.

This is my only outlet for making my case and I earnestly request that you consider all of the facts and then support Bob Marshall and I for VP of UCO.

Please ask any questions you may have in the Comment stream.

Dave Israel

PS: I am reliably informed that Ms. LaBonte did not speak to the OWLS; I stand corrected.

If the OWLS are interested; I would be glad to speak at a gathering.


Hi all,
I'm sitting here watching CNBC, perhaps you all saw what I am going to talk about.

Today "we" as a nation are engaged in national discussion as our
legislators debate an additional "bailout" package approaching One Trillion dollars; additional, that is, to the 350 billion we have already spent, with negligible effect!

How much is one trillion dollars?

the example given on CNBC went like this; if you spent One million dollars per day, since the Birth of Christ, you still would not reach one trillion dollars:
Here is the computation:

((2008 * 365) + 43) * 1 000 000 = 732 963 000 000!

That is Seven hundred thirty two billion, nine hundred sixty three million dollars; well short of the one trillion dollar mark.

It's all going onto the Federal Balance sheet; IMHO this entire process is fundamentally Un-American! The Government is in effect nationalising the core financial sub-structure of the United States.

This is not the function of Government in America!

This is a very dangerous game!

No doubt there will be countervailing opinion!

Dave Israel

Recycled water purchase

Since I first read the meter (Jan 26,2009)calculating the amount of water being pumped into our poor lakes, canals and lagoons, UCO has purchased 3,445,550 gallons of recycled water whereas it was allowed 11,250,000 gallons. This is only 30% of our complement.

We have therefore spent $137.80 instead of the $ $450.00 it would have costed us should UCO had cared for the value of our lakes as an asset to our Village and should UCO had realized that it is its responsability to provide sufficient water for our irrigation and offer some beauty to its owners.

This fact coupled with the lack of rain in January and February is creating this lack of water to properly water our lawns and flowers.

All things considered why do we limit ourselves to only 750,000 gallons a day? We are spending millions on buses, cable, entertainment while the 2009 UCO budget is only $ 10,950.00 to maintain a proper level for our lakes which is essential for proper irrigation.
In 2008 we have spent $3,475.52 out of a budget of $9,125.00 dollars which is in the 30% range also.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dumpster Decorations

A week or two ago some one commented on the fact that the trash removal company changed their name and put the new name on the front of the dumpsters, leaving us to look at the same unattractive green boxes everywhere.
I suggest that UCO sponsor a contest to encourage those of us who have the slightest artistic talent to decorate the dumpsters with bright colors, flower drawings, rainbows, etc. to make them more visually attractive. I think we do have a beautification committee. Possibly a small prize could be awarded to the most attractive finished product. In other words--lets make lemonade out of lemons!!--
Bob B

In Defence of MIT

The Nominations Cmte chair at the Del Mtg. stated that for candidate bios they did not want “the fact that you graduated from MIT or Princeton or anything like that”. The best run condo association in CT has a president that went to MIT, he has 5 degrees, and does a superlative job. IMHO


Hi All,

Please check out this photography; it gives new meaning to the term Hi-Resolution:

It is taken with a Robotic Canon camera with 1,474 Megapixel resolution

Zoom-in ('double-click' an area) ....and watch it focus.
Then zoom some more... and wait for focus.

What a surveillance tool this is. !

Dave Israel


Hi All,

Want to see todays front page from your Home town Newspaper from across the Nation and around the world?

Check out the following URL:

You may have to temporarily enable pop-ups!

Really neat!

Dave Israel


Hi all,

Elsewhere in the BLOG I asked:

"what is a Master Homeowner's Association"? and how did the PBCBCC get the idea that UCO was such? Do not tell me what you think it is; find for me a Florida Statute that defines it;

not simply A Master Association, but a Master Homeowner's Association. Now if you can do that; then the next question is; when, and under what authority did UCO assume this power"

Time is up and we have no answers so the following may prove interesting to those who care about operating legally:

We are going to look at two Communities; Cypress Lakes (right next door) and Century Village:

First you need a Master Declaration of Covenants that provides the conduit; see said Master Declaration for Cypress Lakes at the following


Also see the most current version of this document for UCO by sharp contrast:


Then you simply file as a Master Homeowners Association with Florida Division of Corporations.


let's look at the two fillings:
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Non Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number
FEI Number
Date Filed
Last Event
Event Date Filed
Event Effective Date
Principal Address
Changed 02/14/1994
Mailing Address
Changed 02/14/1994
Registered Agent Name & Address
Name Changed: 09/23/2008
Address Changed: 09/23/2008
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title PD
Title TD
Title VPD
Annual Reports
Report Year
Filed Date
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Non Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number
FEI Number
Date Filed
Principal Address
Changed 03/29/2006
Mailing Address
Changed 03/29/2006
Registered Agent Name & Address
Name Changed: 03/29/2006
Address Changed: 03/29/2006
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title S
Title P
Title T
Title VP
Title VP
Title VP
Annual Reports
Report Year
Filed Date


UCO needs to update their filing don't they!!


Now for the 64,000.00 question; Why has UCO never become a Master Homeowner's Association???

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cypress Lakes Lake

Water levels in Cypress Lakes looked higher than ours. 12”-18” drop from edge, water very clear, I saw no algae. Healthy common waterweed underwater (Egeria densa for Dave) shows stability of water level. They have high volume fountains in every inlet for oxygenation (fine spray ornamental fountain in photo). Do you think they pay Base Commodity Fee of $3257.00 per month? Needs more research. CL signed up for up to 700,000 gals per day, CV up to 750,000 gals per day. CL has ½ the water area.

Posted by Picasa


Hi All,
Here is an interesting question from the CV Q & A:
Author: Dorothy Schornick (

Date: 02-07-09 18:38

Who and how does an association go about adding a new by law to the existing by laws This new by law was voted and passed upon at their anuual meeting.... Thank you for any input.

Hopefully you have vetted this Amendment to your Bylaws as to legality.

You might consider running it by Randall Borchardt; as he has had much experience with such things. If he cannot help; and remember he cannot give legal advice, you might consider having an Attorney look at it.

After being certain that your Bylaw Amendment is indeed legal, and as you have stated that you have voted it in; all that remains is to file it with Clerk of Court of the 15th. Judicial District. You can do this yourself or have an Attorney do so for you.

Remember, your Amendment is NOT effective until you have filed it with the Court.

Dave Israel


Hi all,

Word of the day: "arrogation" = Claim without justification!

Mark Twain is reputed to have said:

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
Did you know that UCO was a "Master Homeowner's Association"?

Well, according to the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners (PBCBCC), UCO does indeed bear that august title. Please read the following Agenda Item Summary, note especially the red portion:

Agenda Item # 3K-1
Meeting Date: November 20, 2007 Consent [X] Regular [ ]
Public Hearing [ ]
Submitted By: Water Utilities Department
Submitted For: Water Utilities Department
Motion and Title: Staff recommends motion to approve:
A) an Interlocal Agreement with the East Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities Operations Board for an allocation of secondary treated effluent from the East Central Regional Water Reclamation Facility (ECRWRF) to the Central Region Reclaimed Water Facility; and
B) a non-standard Utility Easement from the City of West Palm Beach to serve reclaimed water to Cypress Lakes.
Summary: This Agreement allocates secondary effluent from the ECRWRF to the Central Region Reclaimed Water Facility. Secondary effluent will be transmitted through an existing pipeline from the ECRWRF to the Central Region Reclaimed Water Facility. The secondary treated effluent will be filtered and disinfected to reclaimed water standards at the Central Region Reclaimed Water Facility providing a drought resistant source of irrigation quality water with an average daily flow capacity of three million gallons per day.
The reclaimed water will be conveyed to Century Village, Cypress Lakes and future customers for irrigation. Secondary treated effluent will be allocated from PBCWUD's flow-based share of wastewater treated at the ECRWRF. This Agreement is required to be executed prior to operation of the Central Region Reclaimed Water Facility.
The utility easement is necessary for the construction and maintenance of a reclaimed water pipeline to serve the community of Cypress Lakes. The Water Utilities Department concurs with the Utility Easement Agreement provided by the City of West Palm Beach. There is no fiscal impact to the County for acquisition of this easement.
(Project No. WUD 05-062) District 2 (MJ)
Background and Justification: The City of West Palm Beach, the South Florida Water Management District and PBCWUD are working together to develop a reclaimed water program as a means of conserving the resources of the surficial aquifer system.
On August 19, 2003, the Board approved a Bulk Reclaimed Water Agreement with United Civic Organization, Inc. (R 2003-1217), to provide up to 750,000 gallons of reclaimed water per day to Century Village. United Civic Organization, Inc. (UCO) which is the master homeowner's association for Century Village in suburban West Palm Beach.
On June 2, 2004, the Board approved an Agreement (R2004-1449) for the purchase of bulk reclaimed water from the City of West Palm Beach for a five year period not to exceed 750,000 gallons per day.
On June 6,
2006, the Board awarded a contract with TLC Diversified, Inc. (R2006- 1007) for constructionof the Central Region Reclaimed Water Facility in the amount of $3,598,000.
On February 6,
2007, the Board approved an Alternative Water Supply Program Agreement with the SFWMD(R2007-0161) to fund $1,000,000 for construction of the Central Region Reclaimed WaterFacility and associated piping.
On July 10, 2007, the P.B.C. Board of County Commissionersapproved a Standard Development Agreement between Palm Beach County and the CypressLakes Master Homeowners Association, Inc., (R2007-1134). Cypress Lakes MasterHomeowners Association, Inc. is the master homeowners association for the Cypress Lakescommunity located in suburban West Palm Beach. Cypress Lakes will purchase up to 700,000 gallons of reclaimed water per day to recharge private lakes utilized within Cypress Lakes for irrigation of 130 acres of common landscaped area.
Ok! the first question is "what is a Master Homeowner's Association"?
and how did the PBCBCC get the idea that UCO was such?
Do not tell me what you think it is; find for me a Florida Statute that defines it; not simply A Master Association, but a Master Homeowner's Association. Now if you can do that; then the next question is; when, and under what authority did UCO assume this power? Furthermore, one might ask; did they have the authority to negotiate the Reclaimed water Agreement to begin with?
It's called arrogation of power.
I repeat my question posed in another post on this BLOG;
is there enough Sunlight in 100 galaxies to cleanse UCO of it's darkness?
Dave Israel