Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Veto of Insurance Bill

There is something I do not understand about Gov. Crist’s veto of the changes to the Condominium Act as explained in Jerry Karpf’s column in the July UCO Reporter. If the bill passed so overwhelmingly in the House and Senate (two votes short in the House and 100% in the Senate), how is that this was not enough to easily override the Governor’s veto?

Lanny Howe


Bill said...

Are you surprised that you can't understand something that Jerry Karpf has written?

OMG said...

Exactly Bill, I took one look, Jerry poking his stick in a complex issue with many pros and cons LOL, I read cyber citizens instead.

Anonymous said...

VP Karpf only CONVEYED the information he was one who attended that meeting, our leg.
rep. could not opinion
Gov. Christ, does not want to alienate the Insurance industry's
support for his upcoming Sen. race.
The bill can only be re-addressed
in "Special Session"..

Lanny Howe said...

Thanks, Bettie. I see: the legislature must meet again to override, which could take time. (I should have taken civics in high school.) I don't mean to fault Jerry K. in the least. He is doing a great job for us, esp. re the maintenance.

Anonymous said...

No, he is not.
Quote, from an earlier post.
" .. if You want a wrong information, go to see a Jerry Karpf."