Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Channel 63

By Bob Marshall:

A very good question has been asked on this blog concerning channel 63. I believe the current Channel 63 has shortcomings. I envision considerable changes. The simple answer is "like night differs from day!"

The current format of Channel 63 is in essence a rolling, scrolling, slideshow; while useful to a point, the format is boring. When actual events are taped and replayed later, the Home consumer camera produces an image, which is, to put it bluntly, amateur. Furthermore, because the sound track is not tied into the Microphone PA system, the sound is poor and not synchronized with the Video event. The original plan called for a Professional Studio Grade cameras; that plan was abandoned by the current administration for a cheap and non-perforating alternative.

Additionally, the original plan for Channel 63, called for surveying the Village to find retired TV professionals from careers behind and in front of the TV camera to present actual programming involving: Performance, News, Live coverage of Committee meetings, Interviews…Etc. In other words, Real TV Programming.

In addition to all of this, our Channel 63 should be run under the Federal guidelines of a Community Information TV Channel which, among other things, requires giving persons with views non-consistent with the establishment, equal time to air such views.

Under my administration Channel 63 would be a Communications vector for the people rather than the Loewenstein & Co usage as a Propaganda organ of selective information shaping.

All UCO meetings will be listed in a clear, easy to read format that includes, date, time and location. Additionally, a group, much like the Editorial Board of the UCO REPORTER, will be appointed to govern the input and operation of Channel 63 much like the Editorial Board functioned under my previous administration.

Please add your recommendations or comments, willingness to volunteer, all will surely be welcomed.

Bob Marshall


elaineb said...

Love it, great to see your ideas developed - now Frances, Jeanne, and Wilma are out of the way.

Topper said...

Wonderful ideas Bob. Do you have any speaking engagements planned? Will there be any debates? Please let us know dates and time