Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How does FS 718 fit My Vision?

By: Bob Marshall

Jerry and Rosa asked,

"How does 718 fit into your vision?" Thank you for asking. I believe you may be asking two questions here and let me try to answer them.

First, the Condominium Act; Florida Statutes; 718 is the body of law governing the operations of our Condominium Associations. To put is simply, The Marshall Administration will operate strictly in Accord with FS 718 and all other applicable Statutes related to UCO as a Not-For-Profit organization, these laws go beyond FS 718.

The other question you may be asking is relative to a different management
"system" operating the Village.

As I see it there are at least three ways to govern the Village.

1. In previous writings I've mentioned my vision that might incorporate a government similar to the municipal Town Manager concept.

2. The second might be to convert UCO to a Master Association. This would change UCO from a Not-For-Profit Corporation to a Master Condominium Association. Obviously this would mandate many operational changes as UCO would now be operated like a Condo Association following all of the rules and regulations of FS 718.

(Either of the above two options would include a broadening of Unit Owners rights to take part in the election of UCO officers and decisions made concerning budgetary expenses.)

3. No change is always an option however, in this case, I believe that most of us think of this as not an option.

The decisions made regarding any changes must be up to the “people, not the Administration in office! I encourage you to take part in these discussions beginning here and to encourage your Residents to join in this very important issue.

Bob Marshall


Mike said...

Hi Bob , I asked you 2 Questions on you're Vision Statement, I guess you missed them, Take a look . Thanks Mike

Serge said...

Thanks, Bob Marshall, for answering our question regarding 718.
In our head and heart,#3 is not an option.
However, either #1 or #2 would give all unit owners security and peace of mind knowing that FS 718 is implemented within "UCO", and we will never ever have to hear "718 does not apply to us."

Looking forward to the near future when your vision statement becomes your MISSION STATEMENT.

Anonymous said...

Re; deliquents maintenance fees
what privliges can be taken away
by not pay their fees?

Thanks Lou