Hi All,
There have been some requests from the Snowbirds that the Video from the July 11th. Delegate Assembly be put on the BLOG. I have now placed a portion of it here for all to see.
Don't miss: "If you don't like it, there's the door" at about 17 minutes in.
Dave Israel
Monday, July 28, 2008
Posted by
UCO President
7/28/2008 09:33:00 AM
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The tape is the property of UCO.Not this blog or any other. Did you receive permission to play the tape here? I would guess at this time the delegates would have to approve such a showing. The tape does NOT belong to you. It is suggseted that it be removed from this blog. You are not the UCO president at this time and do not have the authority to show it other than on 63. This is a HUGH misuse of authority.
Great idea Dave , I have e-mailed it to snowbirds. Mike
“I think I’ll pack my little suitcase and run from such obvious heavy handed repression”. That was only the first ½ hour of trying the patience of the Delegate Board of directors.
ps You techies are awesome.
I agree with anon 1012. You have no authority to play the tape here. I guess it just goes to show how you will operate if you become president. YOU will decide what it right or wrong. Does not bode well for the future, This is a big mistake on your part and make cost you the election.
I disagree-keep this on the blog and let eveybody see the misuse of power.
Put this on The CV Q&A , if you can. Mike
I taped the mtg off my TV, I did not see any restrictive signs.
Hi David:
Please do not delete your
post. Let everybody who
lives in CV see for them-selves the true picture of
the present UCO officers.
More, more, George with all the expression of a bass beached in the sun, confronted with his lies.
Hi All,
To those who think I have no "authority" to play this tape in the public domain;
Once this tape appeared on a Community Service and Information channel, CVTV Channel 63; it became Public Domain Communications.
Absent a stated copyright, it may be played on any Channel and on the WWW.
Consult the FCC regulation on such Communications.
The first 23 minutes that I published as a service to our Snowbirds, who often get left out of such important matters, clearly demonstrates the utter contempt in which Mr. Loewenstein and Mr. Silver hold our Unit Owners.
By the way, when you say that the tape belongs to UCO; please remember that "WE" are UCO.
Dave Israel
Is there a Dr in the house, Psychologist, can we get a reading on H. Silver.
David, Great job, I don't know how you did it, but now those of us up North can see first hand the rediculous behavior of Howie Silver, and shame on Mr. Lowenstein for not taking control of the meeting. And as far as I can see this tape belongs to all of us and we all as residents of CV have a right to know what went on at that meeting.
Great job Dave. I am a snowbird and its great too be able to see what they try to put over on us snow birds. It would really be great if you could put the entire meeting each of the summer months so that we can have input on what is going on. Howie S. should be ashamed of himself the way he conducted that meeting and George L. acted like a ------I won't put that in writing. Its about time things are being put out in the open. Great job Dave keep it up. The difference between you and G.L and H. S. you know and undeerstand whatis legal they have'nt a clue
I've seen this show five times on 63, too bad it was cut short, the best was yet to come!. For the sake of a Democratic Village, find a way to broadcast the rest of the meeting. The Delegates have spoken and their voices should be heard. Thanks Dave.
What many of those up North don't realize is that this meeting had a purpose of the utmost importance... to expose an administration that was against "open meetings"... a position which had been supported by the UCO Bylaws for five years. The attempt to illegally reverse this established policy was met with resistance by a few devoted individuals, whose only purpose was to serve the best interests of the Village. The circulars which encouraged "Vote NO for Open Meetings" were prominately placed at the "check-in" tables in front of the auditorium. Of course these circulars were printed on paper and with office equipment from UCO, using your funds to deprive you of your right to attend meetings. At these meetings "Out of the Sunshine" decisions are being made as to how your money is being spent. Ironically, those who were against closed meetings were not permitted to present their side of the story in the Clubhouse (which we also support, but do not own). We had no choice but to circulate our fliers for Open Meetings by the medical center, outside the gates of W.P.R.F. property. Many cars stopped to receive our fliers, and enough Delegates were informed in time, that the meeting they were about to attend was orchestrated to deprive them of their right to Open Meetings. The Delegates prevailed and the "Open Meeting Resolution" was nearly unanimously passed. V.P. Howard's stall tactics proved ineffective. The motion was properly placed on the floor, debated, and approved by a near unanimous vote. Why is UCO so afraid to open itself up to public scrutiny? Why is UCO so intent on depriving you of your right to attend and particpate in the process of spending our money? The very same officers who resigned at the end of this meeting because the voice of the people fell too harshly upon their ears, amazingly reappeared weeks later to run for the very offices that they have resigned from. This will go down in history as The Election of the Phoenix's. Nixon was the only President in history to get reelected on the same campaign promise that he never fulfilled,"Our withdrawal from Vietnam"! Our Officers ran on a platform of "transparency". Transparency behind closed doors? How many times will we permit ourselves to be fooled by political rhetoric which never manifests itself in action. We deserve what we get if enough of the electorate turns a blind eye to reality on election day. Lord help us all!
Hi Dave. Keep the tape online. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Can you please maybe explain how there is no provision adopted for officers who resign and in the same term want the position back?I am sorry I just do not understand this nor do I understand how my neighbors will allow this.I guess maybe I should listen to Howie and leave through the gate. Dave thanks for being who you are
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