Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just Say No to 2

Florida already has a law banning gay marriage. Therefore, Amendment 2, the so-called ban on gay marriage, is superflurous. It is written so vague that it can be interpreted as a ban on any unconventional lifestyle, including unmarried men and women living together. Here in Century Village, there are a number of couples that moved in together in their upper years. Mainly for company and also by combining their SS checks, they both lead a better life. This proposal is dangerous. Legal benefits that they currently enjoy could be taken away from them under Amendment 2. Vote NO on 2, and let our neighbors enjoy what's left of their life.

Click on this link to get an opinion signed by over 125 lawyers saying that Amendment 2 is bad news.

Comments appreciated.


Anonymous said...

The legislating morality crowd makes my skin crawl. Vote no on #2

Anonymous said...

#2 be sponsored by the wacky religous right.

Flynn said...

I clicked on to what the message directed me to and sure enough, there were over 125 lawyers' names that we could investigate. I was against Proposition 2 before I saw this blog and now I see that I was right to be against it. This truly can hurt innocent individuals. Thank you.

capt john said...

You're sick! I think you need a psychiatrist

The Nutmegger said...

Capt Jerk:

There you go again.
Everyone in CV is sick
except you.

capt john said...


When did "EVERYONE" in CV, start posting here - DUH !!!

Anonymous said...

Only the phony religous right is in favor of #2. They are the Fascists of the 21st century.

capt john said...

"phony religous [WHO?-DUH!] right" - DOES THIS MEAN, THEY ARE LEFT --- AGAIN, BIG DUH !!!

Flynn said...

It has been my experience when someone starts referring to other people with ugly sounds or improper words when speaking with other people, they are what they are saying. Think about it. It takes one to know one. It is not proper for you to refer to Nutmegger as "Nut" and it's about time you woke up. Your "duh" sound further proves you have not looked into this situation at all. So, therefore, your response is not anything to pay attention to.

capt john said...



DUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

capt john said...

Oh, sorry, flynn: since I "should not" RESPOND (KEY WORD!) to NUT as nut - I "should" sign my name, CAPT JERK.

In YOUR humble opinion - DUH !!!

Flynn said...

"Duh," Capt. John, as you use it, sometimes is correct, in a number of different languages. By the same token, in English, you have not used it properly. "Duh" does not mean that you or the other person is dumb or stupid. There are several definitions where for "duh." One is obvious. Two is spirit. Three is ghost. There are more. Now, if this is what you are using it as, in my "humble" opinion, isn't always correct, it sounds as bad as stupid and dumb. Keep making comments; you are not as bad as you try to make yourself. In my humble opinion, you're okay.

capt john said...

DUH !!!

The Nutmegger said...

Hi Flynn:

Thank you for your kind
description of me.
The gorilla/orangatan is
not worth wasting my
precious time over. The
more that is said the
dumber he get.
Again, thanks for the
kind words.

capt john said...

DUH !!!