Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hi All,
There is a Comment in the "Florida Ice thread", that should have it's own Posted Thread.
In the interest of full disclosure; I am a member of the Pro-Active Committee, referenced in the Comment, and I do believe that the issue should be fully disclosed to all Unit Owners of the Village, this is not the view of the other Committee members;

I believe that the entire plan of the Developer should be briefed to the Unit Owners, so that they may make an informed decision; not just to those on the Committee. Read the following and you decide.

Dave Israel

Anonymous said...
At the recent Delegate Assembly ( May 01, 2009) more misinformation was disseminated by the “President” of the “Not for Profit” pro-active Golf course (non-UCO) committee. So what else is new?
Please Mr. Shapkin, don’t let the facts interrupt your personal vendetta against the owner of the Golf Course.
1. The prior administration was supporting the developers “Horton” BUNK!!
2. This Committee altruistically represents the Village in this fight and will be victorious. BUNK!!
3. He will come to the Delegate Assembly to ask for our help if he needs us.
4. No one other than the “select committee” may attend any meetings. This twelve-member self-appointed DICTATORSHIP (committee) is all-powerful and therefore may (in exclusively their opinion) represent all 12 to 14,000 residents. Those 12 should be named, so legal responsibility may rest with each and every one of them. Why not tell us who you are, and your qualifications. Why do you believe you’re more intelligent than all the rest of us? What have you to HIDE? It seems very similar to the prior attempts to present a plan to the Village, delay, deny, ignore and fail to allow all interested parties to hear just what is being offered. Why? Are you afraid of the view of the residents that YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME AND OURS? Perhaps because they want to control the information stream and corrupt the facts so you will support their view? Some of the residents will not take a position; many will refuse to spend UCO’s money to stop something we have not been included in by this pro-active committee. Some may believe this committee should be open to our attending just to permit a clear picture of both sides enabling an informed decision. Stand-by, and hold onto your wallets. No one should be surprised when you notice T H E I R hand in our pockets seeking money for the inevitable fight. Just where is our fearless L E A D E R ??
Hiding………………………………………….. You betcha!! So what else is new! Not on this damn fool committee –
May 2, 2009 3:13:00 PM


Anonymous said...

You mean some crack pot group is meeting with an owner or developer of the golf course pretending to represent us. What is golf owners name I need to speak to him. Why is crack pot group given time at UCO delegate meeting?
Why does CV Fund have to jump thru many hoops to get to Delegate Meeting? Did it get there yet.

tiger said...

Why is this information being kept from the unit owners of CV by people who represent no one except themselves? If you ever thought UCO was incredibly useless, here is the evidence. Lowenstine cannot say he heard nothing.
Owners of the Golf Course; Andrew Waldman and his wife

Anonymous said...

Time for the Kondo Kommando Exterminator to ride again, against this KKgolf cmte. When will will Mojo give way to a KKE!!!!!!!!

Ed Black said...

Kinda looks like there are many who aren’t happy with the proactive committee’s approach.

I must agree. It is now time to cut bait and fish. We pay the bills, why can’t we know the details without the self-imposed filter such as the 12 select few!

How many know we are paying for the officers & directors insurance and liability insurance, but they don’t follow UCO by-laws and refuse open meetings too. Why do we pay for coverages for this nonconforming group?

Why did Mr. Shapkin wind up president of this select group. He is the Village Ombudsman, so how can he dare expect others to adhere and obey their mandate of by-laws & 718 while he fails his sworn oath as an Executive Board Member and the Ombudsman?

I believe either he should operate under the rules of UCO, as he was sworn in to do, or resign from either UCO or the proactive committee…………..even you Phil, can’t have it both ways

elaineb said...

“Vendetta, plan, offer, fight, UCO dollars” what the bleep is going on, why would the golf course owner talk to a misbegotten arrogant self-appointed bunch. The only person missing from this mess is Miss California. Dave please explain anything. I can look at the Del Mtg video but it may be unintelligible. Does the bunch have a point of view, tell us something, the bunch probably thinks things are obvious. Not so.

Mike said...

I'm not in favor of a development on the golf course but without all the facts, unit owners cannot make a rational decision about what the present owners are proposing.Who is this Shapkin guy pretending to represent CV, while having never been appointed by the board to do so? UCO must get rid of this phony committee and appoint a committee to monitor happenings at the golf course. Proposed zoning changes especially.

GIACOMO said...

Friction still prevails from what I see in print? This time it is this golf
course issue , the commitee has to be
control by the residents of golf edge
and uco, this time is very different from the last time, the times are
bad. The border lines have to be protected that is a given, so come up with one bonifide committe to negociate
the best solution. Can we buy a course that has been failing for years? no we couln"t buy it in good times, I could print money has been squanded I don"t know that, those who do due diligence day in day out would. I hope for the best for those who border the golf course and you have to demand totally to be at the table of communication this is beyond golfing participates.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Giacomo! We know nothing about running a Golf course not alone a business that has been a failure for years.
I can understand the anxiety of the residents of the Golf community etc., whose units border the fairways and we as community should definitely support the need for an adequate buffer zone.

Anonymous said...

I believe we should all support our neighbors in preserving their backyards. But I don't think a committee of 12 people self appointed should deny access t fellow residents to meetings. am NOT...NOT n favor of buying or running the golf club. I am in FAVOR of the residents showing their support in large numbers to STOP the Palm Beach County from making any changes to the ZONING
and preserve the view.


BettieL said...

It somewhat surprised me that this
issue, not one of UCO's projects,
was given presentation time, while
another worthy project,the CVFund,
created to assist those in need,
our neighbours, was denied......
I am neither a golfer, nor live in
the directly affected area, however
the outcome will impact the ENTIRE
Community, therefore this group of12, cannot continue to represent
the village's interest. It must
become open to any and all.
Surely, Ms. Cruz's staff will accomodate their request for a
meeting room, they are most co-operative,so the space issue becomes a non-issue..and what of the financial situation..monies were collected, where are the detailed statements, bank records.
Those contributors have the right to know.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Delegates Meeting on 63, I must apologize to Shampkin and the committee for my earlier remarks. It is my understanding now , that UCO in all it's wisdom did nothing to protect CV from the Turtle Bay development, it was left up to unit owners to raise money and fight the development. Granted , the Golf View Condos have more to lose than most because they live ajacent to the course but All CVers will lose if UCO does not take part in the defense of The VILLAGE. CV should appoint a committee and work in conjunction with the Shampkin Group to monitor and take whatever action is necessary to protect CV.

Mike said...

Anony 7:45AM was written by Mike , I hit the wrong button. Mike

Anonymous said...

to bettieL

Levy's CV Fund is not a worthy project.

Levy's is exploiting our helping nature to solicit funds so that when Levy get $2,000,000.00, he will pay out the interest on this $2,000,00.00 to Levy.

Are you people that naive???

don4060 said...

That is how philanthrophy works.

Anonymous said...

where is levys name on the list of donors, he did donate years ago to previous fund.

Anonymous said...

Levy name shows up as the registered agent of the CV Fund and he is also the treasurer...might as well give the money to Madoff !!!

Mike said...

I thought this was a Golf Course Thread Mike

Anonymous said...

the cmte and mike makes 13 people interested in golf course zoning. Tell the politicos phil has support of 13.