Monday, July 6, 2009


................................Honey Bees in electrical box (Left click to supersize)

Hi all,
Do you have a box like the one above on your property? Probably you do; and it is an ideal place for Honey Bees to make a hive. Honey Bees, are for the most part not aggressive, unless they are "Africanized" Bees.
Give them a wide berth, and they will not bother you.

Also, the common Honey Bee is a Federally protected species due to the massive losses of Bees due to Colony Collapse Disorder.

Rather than killing these Bees, consider engaging a Bee Keeper to come and collect them up; the charge should be about $100.00. If you can find one who will do it for less, please let me know at

Dave Israel

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elaineb said...

Check the phone # in Let Them BEE posted 3/05/2008 no-one mentioned a $ charge they just wanted to save bees ---

"If you see a swarm of honey bees in an open area (unprotected), as in photo, just leave them alone. We had one for over a week, now they have flown away to find a more sheltered place to build a nest. Thank you to the PBC Beekeepers Assoc who gave me the good advice that the bees were temporary (561) 686-6557. If honey bees should nest in a problem area on your building the beekeepers can come to hive and remove them. As you know the USA is trying to save as many bees as possible since the past few years of hive collapse. No bees = no crops. "

UCO President said...

Hi Elaine
Jul 6, 2009 7:39:00 PM,

Yes indeed; I called that very number, but they simply refer you to one of their Beekeeper members.

In this case the cost was indeed $100.00.

It was quite a production, including smoke generation, and a box enclosed cage, rigged to be a low power vacuum cleaner.

He removed the hive to his local Bee Colony.

The final step was to pack the electrical control box with fiber glass insulation and to cork the entry hole, to prevent re-entry by those Bees who were not home during the eviction.

No bees were hurt during this exercise.

Dave Israel

buggy said...

R U telling me that you could not persuade/annoy bees so they would relocate! You could get them drunk on pine sap, take the cover off their house (with a long stick), send nastynonymous over there. Its CV for goshsakes.
We have 2 boxes, i'll find corks.

elaineb said...

Why don’t bees move into water meter boxes, the holes look big enough, are there radio waves from the antenna in there?