Hi All,
Per a request in a Comment stream, herewith Mr. Waldmans letter to the UCO Reporter.
To The Editor:
Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to speak out to all of the Century Village residents, regarding our development of the former Turtle Bay golf course. We have been the stewards of that property for almost six years, and we'd like to share our thoughts and vision for moving forward on the development of this property, which will become Reflection Bay.
Over the past two years, we have had several meetings with a small group of Century Village residents, who led us to believe that they represented all of Century Village. We were under the impression that they were bringing our ideas to you and sharing your ideas with us. However, we have since learned that they have not been straightforward with you or with us. What we would like to share with you is how this property is going to change in appearance and positively impact your lives in Century Village.
Our common boundary will no longer be vulnerable, and will become secure with the development of Reflection Bay. Not only will you have more security, but the area will be landscaped professionally and provide you with even more privacy. We're planning to add citrus groves, flower beds, gathering areas, green space, as well as meandering walkways for your use and enjoyment.
We will continue to work in concert with your security committee and professionals to increase security in the overall area. We have been working with traffic engineers to develop ways to ease the burden of traffic. We don't anticipate this project to add more traffic, but to enhance your access and create a fluid movement of vehicles.
Not only will the property look better and provide you with more privacy and security, but there will be greater tax revenue generated for the benefit of Palm Beach County. This increase in tax revenue will support the county services that we've grown to rely on.
We invite you to participate with us in the planning of this project. Please share your ideas with us. We can be reached at 954-426-2600, and you can be certain that you will speak with one of us. Your input is extremely valuable to us.
Together we can stop the decline and begin the revitalization of this area.
Andrew Waldman and Ana Maria Waldman
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Posted by
UCO President
8/16/2009 01:39:00 AM
Labels: CV Golf Course
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Dave.....I thought that the golf course could not be developed into housing but had to remain a golf course or undeveloped?
The last that I knew was that everything pertaining to the golf course was at a standstill. What happen to make such drastic changes all of a sudden.
Something here just doesn't smell right.
Is there double dealing here?
Is everything that involving the golf course and the powers that be ( both sides ) on the up and up?
I find the whole situation VERY confusing.
I wish there was someone that would give us straight answers to everything involving this whole mess. I mean be truthful.
So, what I am understanding is that the golf course, at this point is going to be develop into a housing complex. Is that correct?
We've been told before on the blog that the zoning still says golf course, but it sounds as if the Waldman's have other plans.
The old saying money talks bs walks.
Hi all,
There has been only one actual change of any importance in the status of the Golf course, it has been closed.
Obviously, the owner wishes to develop the property for residential housing.
There is a restriction on the Plat stating that the property is "To remain a Golf Course in perpetuity"
That restriction could be changed by the Zoning Board and then the development plan could be approved by the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners.
That is a top level, thumbnail sketch of the situation.There are many steps between the owners desires and the plan fulfillment.
The wishes and desires of the unit owners of Century Village must and will be heard, and hopefully they will be provided with all of the facts prior to making their decision.
In the meanwhile we have the major issue of a perimeter fence, along Haverhill road, in total disrepair and the concept of spending a considerable sum on a new fence bifurcating the Village from the Golf Course.
Where do you all stand on that?
Dave Israel
Beautification – plow the ‘fence’ line, all CVers dig up and bring their spiky plants, replant on the line. Sow cactus seed.
Make plans for fence but do not install until golf course invasion is real. Waldman may have permits and build barrier as part of his development before that.
Call out the minutemen, all ex police and the gun club, patrol the golf course periphery, video cams, motion detectors.
Don't forget nightgoggles, several years ago horten wanted to build and ? didn't now the Waldman's
will if?. Whoever they have to work with from CV shun all hostility and Mediate so when the day comes ALL PARTIES ARE SATISFIED
if it has to change so be it.
For those who want to make discourse and then at the end we in the Village are the one's ending up dissatisfied don't do it please. It is one thing to not want it and another to reach a solution. MONEY $$, yes is the issue betweenthe WALDMAN's and PBC
the Waldman's don't want to keep in the red on this entity, and the COUNTY wants more from this Project.
Don't be fooled! the Waldman's in their letter continue to put a positive spin on the proposed golf course development. They are giving the impression that this is a done deal. Wrong! The golf course closure is only the beginning.
The removal of the gate and fence and the obvious disrepair of the perimeter fence is never mentioned.
Don't be mislead! This is a deliberate act on the part of the Waldman's. The proposed site plan didn't include a security fence.
The Waldman's claim that our common boundary will be more secure with citrus groves, flower beds, gathering area's, green space and meandering walkways.
Think of it, Century Village will no longer be a gated community. and access to and from the new development will be completely open, only separated by a few trees, plants and grass. How outrageous is it, that the Waldman's actually think that the village residents are that stupid to agree to such an arrangement.
Don't get me wrong, fence or no fence this proposed development must not be allowed to go forward. The golf course must remain as is. Is the West Palm Beach Century Village to be the only Century Village without a golf course on or next to its property?
If we loose the golf course, we loose our security, our property values will decline and our way of life as we know it will end.
Am I over-reacting? Absolutely not! The proposed development will not be an upscale community with the ability to provide the upkeep necessary to maintain the property. Instead this property will be for "work force housing only". The Waldman's will try to sell their plan to the county as an opportunity for teachers, policemen, etc. to find affordable housing.. But every moderate development in the area eventually has had to lower their initial selling prices. Ultimately we will share a border with a community of potential undesirables and an element similar to those neighborhoods to the south and east of the village.
It is now UCO's responsibility, not Phil Shapkin's committee to demand that the Waldman's "cease and desist" all plans to develop the golf course. That UCO and the village residents have the legal right to expect that the golf course remain as is "in perpetuity".
UCO must not wait any longer to fight for the very people they claim to represent.
Dave, is there a Waldman map/plan to view somewhere? with a lake?
Are any of anon's statements actual facts?
Who is calling who undesirable anon!
Hi Elaine,
When Andrew Waldman and spouse briefed about 150 unit owners in the Clubhouse, he had a Slide show with conceptual examples.
Ed Black Video taped the presentation, I will inquire if it is still available and if so I will attempt to put it on the BLOG. if it is processable.
Dave Israel
After reading the previous comments, I can only come
to the conclusion that there are many misfits living in Century Village.
Ibelieve that the run down golf course should be a thing of the past. It is an eye sore and needs to be replaced. I also believe that most of the supporters of a golf course only have one thing in mind and that is a cheap game of golf.
Anyone wishing to run the golf course will want to make a profit, something which has proven to be nearly impossible.
My suggestion is forget the not in my back yard attitude. It is not fair.
The developer should be held to the strictest of terms as to security and be given a chance to provide a visual presentation of their plans with Century Village security being of primary concern.
Thus far all that has been accomplished is leaving the area an unsightly mess!
Hi Dave:
If "our" Reflection Bay looked like the picture you posted, I would move in myself, but it will probably look more like the trailer park on the east side of Haverhill. Sadly, I think the Waldman's are trying the old "squeeze play" on CV: Either we let them go ahead, or we buy the Golf Course property from them at their price...
When did the Waldmans brief 150 residents? Wa there an announcement? I didn't hear about it although I have been away for a week but read the blog daily. The people who want a golf course should move to a Century Village with a golf course. We don't have one and haven't since it was sold years ago. Whatever the Waldmans plans are we still need to be partitioned off from them. We need to be a complete gated community or get rid of the security that we pay so much for. Yes, we should try to keep the zoning as it but I for one don't want to spend money on lawyers when we need to spend on our own infrastructor. We all need to know what is happening not just those who happen to have computers and read the blog but everyone. Come on UCO do your job and have an open meeting for all residents and then another in the fall when the residents come back.
Time to get in touch with the attorney general and tell him our plight. Taking advantage of seniors is something we can do without. This world is already too greedy.
What do the professionals WPRF, Weiser, and UCO CAM recommend.
Everyone is affected.
Hi Dave, you did not get much response as to where people stand or sit on the fence. Are the people who live around the defunct golf course clinging to a notion of an elitist and exclusive resort lifestyle. There is a fence between us and Cypress Lakes, no one frets over it!
CV is a 55 and over community. Whatever the golf course turns into will not be. In order to maintain the integrity of CV, a physical barrier will have to be installed between CV and the new development.
Many people chose to live in CV because they feel safe living with people their own age. Residency restrictions, guest rules, perimeter fencing and security guards enhance and maintain that secure atmosphere. Our government allows what is essentially housing discrimination because it recognizes that "senior citizens" (sorry) have special needs that younger people do not. An open-to-all housing development, with no physical barrier between itself and CV, will change a forty year old community irreversably and present a long list of logisical problems for CV. The golf course owners, whether they develop the land or not, should bear the cost of this physical barrier, since they caused the impact to CV by closing the course and will cause further impact if they succeed in developing it.
The Waldmans should agree to include this physical barrier in their plans now, on their property and at their expense, I think that this would go a long way with CV residents and perhaps the obstructionist associations that abut the property could be bypassed.
If the golf course is developed into housing, or if is to remain closed and unmaintained for an extended time, I want it fenced off.
In today's Palm Beach Post
there was an article that
said: In Palm Beach County of all the 55+
communities that Century
Village is the lowest
in value of property.
Is the Golf Course which
is very shabby looking
one of the reasons?
To nutmegger
The golf course and the way it looks now has nothing to do with Century Village being so low in property value.
Take a look around this place it looks like a compound with very unattractive surroundings.
Maybe it was nice at one time, but times change and Century Village is a lot like it's name. CENTURY!
To Anon Aug 18, 2009 5:26:00 AM:
Sadly, I agree with your assessment of the overall dumpy look of CV. Some Associations, notably some of the Easthamptons, look terrible.
What do we want? FENCE When do we want it? NOW (oh, must be my old college activist genes surfacing) Agreed, secure the perimeter, clean up the interior --- thanks to the leads I got from blogsters a while back, our assn got a new dumpster w/heavy secure lid with bar to keep it down --just one small step to keep animals out, garbage in the dumpster - the clubhouse looks great - but is that what a potential buyer sees first? yikes, now I will have to take a sharp look at the Easthamptons! Forward blogsters and yes, bifurcate Dave, bifurcate!
I for one never thought CV dumpy. A little spare on the greenery, and some of the buildings on the right when you come in through Haverhill look like ass, but I always thought the place was well laid out and the buildings, particularly the garden apts and high rises, remarkably well designed and constructed, with ease of maintenance always in mind. I am amazed how well these buildings have held up since my Grandparents came in the early seventies, and I always thought the later attempts to improve the original design (gutters, lifts), were mistakes. Except for laundry rooms, which were a good thing.
Hmmm, my friends tease me about living in McConnell airforce base (CV). I do agree with neither adding gutters nor lifts, nor filling expansion joints!
Hi Elaine
Aug 18, 2009 10:43:00 PM,
Yes, especially when they fill those joints with concrete and the resultant forces crack the building even faster.
Only a Florida Condo. Board can defy the laws of Physics by majority vote;
now that is power!!!
Dave Israel
Part of the CV retrofit issue is the enclosure of many screen patios. The original CV design does not allow for a completely enclosed patio. When the huuricanes of 04/05 trashed CV Boca, Palm Beach county made many condo owners there remove the enclosed patios before the rebuilds would be approved.
anon 9:56
If you did not have screens, you would be eaten up alive by the bugs. The screens are not making this place look the way it does. Taking down all the screening would not improve the looks of CV.Old id old and there is really nothing you can do about it.
Its not the screens, its the aluminum siding, vinyl windows and A/c units on porches that are not allowed by PBC zoning.
If people want to make their place more attractive, they should be able to do so. Replacing the windows with new ones is an improvement. This is a condo though and a lot of things have to be o.k. ed by the rules that we live by.
What happened to the over 55 rule and no pets? Seems that that has been just looked over and before you know it it won't be a senior place anymore.
Century Village, affordable to all!
At last check, CV is a 55+ community with the US Govt (HUD). Pets are a decision by each association, not by UCO, et al.
I think the patio screens were always there. The bottom sections were originally backed with horizontal aluminum bars to keep the screens from being kicked out. Most of the first floor units put in solid panels on the lower half to keep the sprinkler from blasting the patio. Now the sprinkler hitting the panels is my alarm clock. I knew that our sprinkler pipe was busted because I overslept. My neighbor installed ghetto-style rollup doors on her patio. Ooofah. Some of our upstairs neighbors have the original horizontal bars.
I am thinking of replacing our front windows, which are original. Supposedly some sort of Obama energy rebate is involved. I don't think that I want to shell out for the full-on hurricane windows, but I don't have any pricing yet so I'll see what the Sunshine Aluminum man has to say in November.
I think we got away with the subject that we originally started on this blog. Golf Course letter to UCO. Now we are suddenly talking about how old this place is and if dog are allowed and and hurricane shutters. Should start a new blog.
What are we going to do about the opening from the golf course?
To the Anon above: I think we need to ask the Waldman's to put up a fence and work with them to make the development (which will sadly occur despite any CV opposition)as CV-friendly as possible.
I agree with you. You can't buck the system. Whatever will be will be.
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