Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fees and Expenses

I have been a resident at CV for 1 year. When I arrived, I received my assessments from my condo assoc and WPRF.

I have asked questions as to how these costs are allocated. I was told that the costs are allocated based on the sq. ft. of my condo as a percentage of the total sq. ft. of all the condos.
I have a problem with understanding this. My condo documents clearly indicate that not all units have the same sq. ft. For example, in my condo, an outside 2br is 2 ft. wider than an interior 2 br., and the 1 br. units have different dimensions. This was not taken into account when the monthly condo fees were developed. If they were, no one has demonstrated that to me. I have made this infomation available to Andy Rose of Seacrest Services who prepares the annual operating budgets for all the condo assocs. in CV.

I learned from Monica Wells at WPRF that the same methodology is used in part for the the WPRF fees except for the shoreline operations $5.31......I do not have a shoreline.

If anyone can provide more insight on the matter of cost allocations etc. It would be enlightening.



1 comment:

Ed Black said...

Hi Howard

The percentages on your budget sheets do in fact take into account the size of Units, because your responsibility should be the percentage of ownership and maintenance costs compared to all the Units only in your ssociation.

2 Br 2 Bath, 2 Br 1 ½ Bath, 1 Br 1 ½ Bath, 1 Br 1 Bath are all differing sizes and accordingly should pay based on the percentage of your Association they represent.

There are two exceptions; Cable and Ambulance, since neither are based on the unit size just a set amount “per unit” per month.

Another exception is that while you may not be on the water, the ‘water retention area’s’ were required for all buildings in Florida and we are ALL collectively responsible for maintaining the soil line as well as all roads throughout the village. Here again on a percentage basis and shown on your Budget as “proposed by your management company”

Example in a 24 Unit building with the following percentages:

2 Br 1 ½ Bath(12 Units) 4.40 %
1 Br 1 ½ Bath (8 Units) 4.0 %
1 Br 1 Bath (4 Units) 3.80%

The number of units multiplied by the percentage:

12 X 4.40 = 52.80%
8 X 4.0 = 32.0 %
4 X 3.80 = 15.20

100 % Total for Your Association

I hope this clears up some of you question, however if questions remain, you may reach me by E-mail, and perhaps we could get together to work on this concern.

Ed Black