Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CV Clubhouse Indispensable Info

Pick up the Clubhouse Info packet (white is up-to-date, not blue) It clearly answers all those questions for over/under 16, Clubhouse and Hastings, and has lots of other useful info. Really indispensable for new residents and those with bad memories. They are available in the Ticket and ID offices at the Clubhouse. It will save you lots of confusing visits to UCO.
Here are some rules and regs. that would have helped a recent poster:
"3. No persons under the age of 16 will be admitted into the recreational facilities, except that when accompanied by an adult. Such qualified persons may use the guest swimming pool, picnic island and the four (4) courts in the SW corner of the shuffleboard area.
4. Persons under the age of 21 will not be allowed to participate in activities in the card room, party room nor bingo games, nor will persons under the age of 18 use or be allowed admission to the sewing room or pool tables or the billiard room.5. Persons using the Clubhouse may be required to furnish proof of age."


Mike said...

Thanks Elaine , I was looking for your land yatch when I was over at Sussex but it must be on a cruise. Mike

Anonymous said...

Jennifer in the Class Office has produced flyers on classes, some are blue but they are clearly marked May Classes. GOod job Jennifer. In-writing is big help in CV.

Topper said...

Thanks Elaine, that will make for some interesting reading this weekend, along with my new UCO that I just picked up at my mailbox.
One question that is probably in the book - but I thought somebody might know the answer. Are we allowed to bring guests that are not staying with us to the Hasting gym?

Anonymous said...

The guest would have to have a legally obtained ID. If you both wave your IDs and smile I do not think it would matter that they were someone else's guest.