Saturday, April 26, 2008

Florida Democrats - votes not counting

Hi folks,

I am stealing Dave's trick and starting a new post with the comment I just made on Dave' post. After reading my comment, if interested, please see Dave's great post and terrific references below (4 posts down).

ChrisJ said...

Ok folks, I have spent my morning reading the Florida articles. Have not gotten to Michagan's yet. The St. Peterburg Times article on May 9, 2007, is the one that really answered my question.

Great references Dave! It seems that the National Democrats have much stricter penalties about violating the voting schedule than the Republicans do. The Republicans were pushing to move the date up.

During these talks, the Democrats were noticably absent. Shame! Bill Nelson tried to help (I always liked him), but to no avail. The Republicans passed moving it up and Mel Martinez, the new young Republican played a role in this also. I am not so sure I like what I have been reading about him.

Well, anyway, thank you Dave. I do finally understand all this. I am going to re-read the articles again later today. I want it all to sink in real deep so I can show off my knowledge to anyone and everyone who will listen!!! (only kidding).

Dave is the greatest at getting us facts we can sink our teeth in! This whole thing does make me very mad! I guess I am truly an independent because sometimes I love/hate the Republicans and sometimes I love/hate the Democrats.

This gal finally gets it!

Now to get on with my day. You people are really messing up my morning exercise routine. I have to get off this darn blog!!!

"now the new politcal savvy"


The Nutmegger said...


Good Going. I had faith in
you that if you put your
mind on concentrating (like
I do with puzzles) it all
falls into place.
Keep it up.

Topper said...

Thank you Nutmegger for your support! You're right, I read, I conquered, I won! Yes, me!!!
Now if I could only do that with the puzzles. Sadly, the puzzles win every time!
Maybe you could give a classs....