Thursday, April 10, 2008

Replacing Alluminum Electric Lines

Norwich has three bldg to an Association . Last week a first floor corner unit lost half its power. FPL was called and it was determined that the aluminium line had to be replaced from the meter to the panel in the unit . Since a trench had to dug from the meter room to the condo wall , it was decided by the board to lay 8 conduit lines to the side of the bldg. in case another unit lost power. If another unit goes, all the electrician will have to do is run a new line through the conduit and no digging up the property will be necessary. I'm told it will cost around 8k by the time the property is put back together and sodded. Just want people to know what to expect. . Active Electric did the job and everyone seems to be happy with them. Mike


LARRY KALL said...

Mike, The building association is responsible to pay for some of the repairs and the unit owner also pays for part of the repairs. The building pays the the electrical "in common areas" the unit owner pays from the entrance to the building to their panel box. What is also interesting the building part is paid by each of the 24 units in your building which includes the unit that lost its power.

Sorry to give you some bad news, but probably the next outage will occur at the other end of your 24 unit building. For some reason this problem occurs on end units most often. The power that is normally lost is one leg of the 220.

Mike said...

Thanks for the info Larry, one leg was lost. I hope you are wrong about the next unit being in the building that we have to dig a trench to . Mike