Monday, July 14, 2008


I think there should be a concerted effort by UCO to find out how many unit owners have computers and set up a system to contact them. Something for the new board to think about. A new owner would list an E-Mail address, if they have one.


Anonymous said...

That's a good idea Mike.

Mike said...

The President of each Assoc. can make a list of addresses for each assoc. If the president doesn't have a computer he can designate a unit owner to recieve info from UCO.. That person would send UCO info to all the computer owners in the assoc. Just one way of doing things. Mike

elaineb said...

...and that person could print and post on the bldg bulletin board. (Some of us already do). Lets cut down on apathy wherever possible.

LARRY KALL said...

We have never been able to figure out how any residents have access to
e mail and it would be most difficult to find out.Even if some survey of some kind was tried there are many people who would not respond and some that would not give out their e mail address. Another problem is to get the proposed cooperation of the building presidents. Many buildings have presidents in name only. I believe that Dave Isreal suggested that according to some estimate someplace the number of seniors that have computers is about 20 percent. While the basic idea is good the devil is in the details and getting it done.

UCO President said...

Hi All,
The great Equivicator!!!

Always has a plethora of reasons why something can't be done.

If we are terminally resident in that Mind-Set; NOTHING will be done.

Please Larry, break out of it, the basic task is simple in concept; it just requires someone to pick up the mission.

This is the 21st. Century, the ideal is ripe and consonant with the times.

Forget the Alligators Larry, Drain The Swamp!!!!

Dave Israel

Mike said...

I think a board member should be appointed to look into this issue . It might mean going from Assoc. to Assoc. in person to find out how each assoc. handles it's affairs. As you said, they are all different. Once this information is gathered , a plan might be feasible. Mike

LARRY KALL said...

Dave, The problem has always been for someone to pick up the mission. I have seen some good suggestions on this blog but few who want to do all the leg work required. The problem has always been let the building president do it, I am to busy. Perhaps Mike would like to be the point person here? It does not require a board member. It is a good idea.

Mike said...

Nice try Larry but I have been around the block and back. This project should come under a board person and be a priority for that person. I will gladly help in any way I can. It's a big job but I won't be involved unless the board is committed. I have done work for others before and it was all for naught, because it was not a priority when push came to shove.


BettieL said...

Perhaps WPRF would share their
list. They do have one..
OR, at the next delegates' meeting
at check in, request that info.
From my conversations with various
delegates, most are on line.
Both Mike's and elaineb's suggestions could be incorporated
and extended so that neighbouring
bldgs.,could as well be covered,
( for thoese bldgs., who neither
have working boards/computer savy
residents etc.)

BettieL said...

Posted too quickly, I too would
be willing to help...

Anonymous said...

I think we need a Communication Cmte, said it before, saying it again.

elaineb said...

Larry sez: The problem has always been for someone to pick up the mission. What planet are you on? What missions were offered by George?
(a) You yourself have stated there is a process for new ideas, perhaps you could enlighten us. UCO mantra – ‘everything goes thru George’, lets see if it changes. So far, all ideas went to George first and if he did not kill it, it went to a comatose cmte for eternal delay. Sy got the farthest with his cup of coffee, but he sure didn’t get an open mtg hearing did he. Volunteer applications lie in the bottom of a UCO drawer never checked by cmte chairmen. You could never step up and just say I will be point man. (personal experiences)
(b) Don’t we have 250 wonderful volunteers, at least 200 have time on their hands.
(c) Go thru volunteer lists and save their email addys.

LARRY KALL said...

The one thing that is in EVERY unit in CV is CABLE. Channel 63 was designed to present information and be available for all to see or read. The baker text has the ability to scroll important messages. that is not the problem. The problem is to find some way to ALERT our residents that some very important matter, such as a boil water alert, is in process. Perhaps Comcast has some kind of alert system like is used on TV stations for things like a tornado. I will discuss this with them as soon as I can.

Unfortunately due to recent events it was not possible to get the information about Wednesdays meeting on channel 63 right at this time. I was asked if I could but it it is beyond my technical capabilities.

Anonymous said...

handwritten waterproof sandwich boards at each entrance would catch a lot of people, but that may be too high tech.

Anonymous said...

Channel 63 is different and more restful to the eyes.
Did anyone find the location of both tapes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone from the computer club could help with Channel 63...for the benefit of the community. Yes, Howie put MANY hours in and did a GREAT job. But we need him now for the community
and hope he will teach someone, if he himself doesn't want to do anything.

LARRY KALL said...

What you are viewing on channel 63 right now is the electronic equipment that was sent back to the factory for repair and that was reinstalled. What you are viewing in the background is some of the capabilities of the actual program that sets up what you have seen in the past. To my knowledge there was one other person who knows how to program the computer and types in all the words, graphics, etc. but I do not know if she has been contacted yet or if she is even here.

To my knowledge the video camera is locked up in the channel 63 room where it is normally stored.

For the tech people out there. The computer with the program information is connected to the modulator in the room where the cable lines were installed in the Clubhouse.The electronic modulator and some other electronic gadgets send the signal back to the head end facility at Comcast in Lake Park by way of a dedicated cable line. When Concast gets the signal they it turn send the information to channel 63 for broadcast by their normal means. Can channel 63 show videos? Yes. Could it show a live interview? Yes but some more equipment would be needed. Would it be possible to broadcast the delegate meeting live? Yes but a better sound set up would be needed along with another video camera.

Anonymous said...

Larry said on 63 ‘The baker text has the ability to scroll important messages.’ That is great, now that makes sense. If it was reserved for important info people would click on daily to check. Instead it was used for very repetitious things like ticket office hours week after week, so I stopped watching.
If the strip was LEFT BLANK unless there were emergency meetings, or boil water, we would soon learn to pay attention.