Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hi All,
Seen above, the newly elected Officers of UCO are seen being sworn in.

From left the right:

President: George Loewenstein, Presiding VP: Sal Bummolo, VP: Jerry Karpf and VP: Ken Davis.

We all wish the best of fortune to the reconstituted Officers Group in healing the Divisions in our Village and in getting us all working on the same team with a common purpose.

President Loewenstein also announced the appointment of Ed Black to serve on the Channel 63 Committee, the Committee is Chaired by VP: Ken Davis; we look forward to many improvements in this key Community Information Channel.

Dave Israel
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Anonymous said...

Hi Dave... Just came back from the installation of officers. Didn't see Phyllis there, shows her true colors after starting all this a sore loser...

elaineb said...

Delighted to see the best people united pulling together. Many thanks for all your hard work, and hard work to come. We are in good hands.

Anon quit jumping to nasty, uncalled for, conclusions, pay attention to the wishes of the blog to put all that behind us.

Anonymous said...

listen you idiot, before you make accusations why don't you find out the truth. phyllis was not at the installation because of a family emergency. WHO NEEDS TRUTH WHEN ACCUSATIONS WILL SUFFICE!!!

Mike said...

Blogs are fun, ya never know what will be said.

Topper said...

Congratulations to all! What a terrific team. Thank you for your dedication to our village.