Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hi All,
Today, August 07, 2008 the Officers of UCO gathered for the Swearing in ceremony of the newly elected Officers; from left to right above:

VP elect: Ken Davis, VP: Frank Cornish, VP elect : Jerry Karpf, Treasurer: Dorothy Tetro, Corr. Secty: Avis Blank, Rec. Secty: Betty Lapidus, President elect: George Loewenstein, Executive Secty: Mary Patrick Benton, and at the podium VP: Sal Bummolo.

As an aside I am pleased to announce that yours truly, the BLOGmeister was offered the position of Cable Committee Chair by President Loewenstein, and I have accepted; Larry Kall , God rest his soul, will be hard to replace; but I shall do my best for all of the Unit Owners of Century Village.

Dave Israel
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Ken said...

Congratulations Dave and Welcome

Mike said...

I think its a good thing for CV Dave. Mike

Anonymous said...

I assume you mean August 7, 2008 as the correct date?

Anonymous said...

i wish to inform you that even though pat blunk does a supper job, he not a vp as you have indicated

Anonymous said...

to anon4:45

possible error? It was "Sal" Bummolo.
Blunk was never mentioned. And I might say that Pat does a super job and not a supper job.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, today's turnout
at the swearing in ceremony, was
not well attended...which was a
momumental loss, for had they been
there, they would have witnessed
true conciliation, as I did.
"Harmony" should be our new motto!
Best wishes to our new officers,
Heartfelt thanks to thoese that kept the "fires burning" during
thoese "cold nights", particularly
Frank, Randall, Dave, Ed and the
many others, who too came forward.

Anonymous said...

sorry posted too quickly...
Bettie L

Topper said...

Congratulations and thank you to all! I am so sorry to read about the passing of our friend Larry. He gave so much to our community and was always ready with help and advice. A very sad loss.

On a happier note, I am glad to hear that Dave will become cable chair. We can't loose with Dave watching over us. Thanks Dave!

UCO President said...

Hi All,
Regarding the following Comment:
Anonymous said...
i wish to inform you that even though pat blunk does a supper job, he not a vp as you have indicated

Aug 7, 2008 4:45:00 PM

The error was mine; I wrote Pat Bummolo.
I have corrected this in the main post.

Mea Culpa.

Dave Israel