Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Preparation Olympics

Leap, flip, bend, flex!


Anonymous said...

Hi Elaine,
Being a Tibetan Buddhist, I refuse to give China any time.

elaineb said...

I'm laying in more supplies than for the hurricanes, I will be glued to my TV. Better in CV than Beijing.
A million little girl gymnasts -
looks like tough competition.
*There are many neat videos if you search YouTube Beijing Olympics

UCO President said...

Hi All,

While China has clearly embraced a taste for Capitalism; the upcoming Olympic event will demonstrate the power of a Command Economy to "make things happen"

This will quite literally be "The Greatest Show on Earth", a propaganda extravaganza.

As a counterbalance I commend you to view the Iron hand inside the velvet glove:


Dave Israel

Anonymous said...

WOW, WOW, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Very, very impressive. Makes us look like a nation of slugs.
Thanks Elaine!

Mike said...

The Politicians have sold America down the river. Between Russia's new found Petro dollars and china's cheap labor, both countries along with the middle eastern shieks are buying our real eastate , oil cos. , steel cos, and anything else of value they can get their hands on. The Clinton - Bush trade policies are destroying the American middle class and America is on the wane. I'm sick.
P. S. I will not watch the Olympics because of where they are taking place.

Anonymous said...

Mike, you're right. It's all very upsetting.

elaineb said...

I shall watch people, individuals, beautiful athletic bodies in motion. That does not mean I do not know what goes on in China. There is a satirical communist video that ends with ‘We suggest you let us win’