Saturday, October 4, 2008


Hi All,

In the Comment stream of the Post; "Another suit - Cable, Cont."

A Nony Mouse (Oct 4, 2008 7:44:00 AM) queries the meaning of "Booyah" on the Cramer show!

Alternatively spelled Boo-ya, this is an interjection originating in elite military units such as the Army Airborn and in particular the Navy Seals. (Sea, Air, Land) forces

It is a term heard regularly in The Navy Seal training cycle BUDS (Basic Underwater Demolition Seal)

It is about Excitement, anticipation, camaraderie, satisfaction, accomplishment and Victory.

The term is used by STRAC (Skilled, Tough, Ready Around the Clock), troops.

In the final analysis you would have to be there to really understand.

I personally find the use of the term by Cramer repulsive and totally out of place!!


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