Monday, October 20, 2008

nice new stores open

There are some nice new stores open, PB Lamborghini and Lowes.
2008 Lamborghini Murcielago Price over $400K, City mpg 8!
I thought about buying one if it had better gas mileage.
Instead I bought a plant that prays for me, the leaves move, fold and at night create the 'praying hands' appearance. Only $10 Lowes. Stromanthe AKA Tricolor Ginger.

Tech stuff for Dave: Stromanthe sanguinea has both nyctinastic (night) and heliotropic (sun) movements. The movements are controlled at a pulvinus, (pl. pulvini) a swollen area near the base of the leaf blade. Two pigments are present in the pulvinus: phytochrome which is red light sensitive, and cryptochrome which is blue sensitive. Phytochrome triggers the night position of the leaves; cryptochrome triggers the day movements.

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capt john said...

I would "FEEL" a LOT better, with the MURCIELAGO !!!

ps: with the DOORS OPEN (picture), "IT" WOULD BE PRAYING FOR ME !!!

Anonymous said...

Is a potted plant protestant, pagan or pantheistic?

elaineb said...

Lowes is good for walking exercise, huge, clean and empty, and only a distracting if you want to remodel.