Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Since the UCO Reporter, represents the views of those associated with UCO, with
the exception of a few other contributors, all sanctioned by the editorial board,
other than the blog, there is no other outlet for suggestions,opinions etc.
Perhaps the time has come for a complete make-over,which would embrace the entire
community, from name change to begin with.
Does anyone else share my thoughts?


Anonymous said...

hi, bettiel, i do agree with you regarding the revamping of the reporter or a new publication that does not censor those that want to contribute. i am one of the censored ones.if an opinion does not agree with uco or the ones that control uco then there is no way you can get anything published. sanitizing a persons thoughts and opinions is not a job for the few that make the decission as to what goes or does not go into the paper. many mistakes have been made over the years by those that rule the print. (thumbs up or thumbs down?)even the president, in his last column made a few erronious, where do we go from here? do we try to develope an alternative paper or do we just sit back and complain? that's my opinion, what's yours?

UCO President said...

Hi All,

IMHO The UCO Reporter should have a completely independent Editorial Board, probably elected, by the Delegate Assembly, as are Officers and The Executive Board.

No Officer of UCO shall be eligible to serve on this Editorial Board; nor should any Officer of UCO have prior chop on the content of the UCO Reporter.

Officers of UCO may submit candidate articles, letters to the Editor or opinions like any other Unit Owner.

It's called "Freedom of the Press", and it is a fundamental right and expection of a Citizen of the Republic.

All of you "wanabe lawyers" out there; do not quote our ByLaws; on this matter, our ByLaws should be changed to comport with Democratic process, most expeditiously.

Dave Israel

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dave. However, just remember that every newspaper in our country has an Editor in Chief who decides what gets into that paper, and what is published in Letters to the Editor. You can't just allow every "nut" saying anything they want to. Various points of view are always healthy.

Anonymous said...

I see in print many who just want
be TRUTHFUL and ACCURATE we should be DEMANDING nothing LESS, if a MISTAKE is made in any DECISION PROCESS be forward and let all KNOW
now let me state this , CVBLOGANDCHAT has just about eliminated UCO's Q&A which should and could be the PRIMARY sourse of INFO but most of the Officers will not Participate? if I address a Question to a Elected Officer on Q&A it could benefit all who have the same concerns not only here but those who are not. UCO REPORTER
it is also Our Paper should be
monitored of cause but resident's Editorials should be Published.
What i am trying to convey the main (2) sourses of Communication are being Challenged? I for one would like to see Q&A and the UCO REPORTER be presented to it't full POTENTIAL EGO's and power to be leftout of the equation. WHEN one is censored there has to be someone or somewhere that can hear the complaint to get an explanation of WHY, if there is not one now that is unacceptable.
If I and 150 people came into the office asking questions all at once
it would be unthinkable so we have (2) outlets use them to the fullest
and do a good service to all the resident's of CV. We are seen in print thru the internet all our problems are known to all friends and foes so take one step at a time and correct what is correctible! phyllis the print you have presented is personal frustration that should be shared by all of us, I hope you can resolve this with the UCO editor?

Anonymous said...

appreciate the comments in response
to my original letters
to the 'Mail Bag" as well, no doubt
were shredded, as they took to task
3 of UCO officers, who attacked a VP. in addition to presenting their
views as "Gospel", which most of the time, are either fabrications,
or wishfull thinking,which I as well as many others find to be an
"insult to our intelligence"
I suggested revamping,as opposed
to a new creation, because the
finances, printing,distribution
are in place. The current editorial staff's policy cannot
continue, therefore should be re
placed. I am not ADVOCATING allowing lunacy to appear in print.
Reasonable guidelines would be
established by a concensus of opinion of many of our interested
intelligent residents, whose only
interest is "the betterment of the
community in which they chose to
live in" and not personal gain.
That's my position.
Bettie L

Anonymous said...

To Giacomo,

I disagree with your statement that the blog has eliminatedthe Q and A. The Q and A Forum has been eliminated by those who run it. I agree with you that UCO officers should answer questions asked by any unit owner. Therefore I suggest, to you, that you address your questions and suggestions to the respective officer on the Q and A Forum. Or better yet, visit the UCO office, get an answer to your question, and then post it on the blog. Be specific, use names, dates,etc. That can go a long way to get information to the people. Platitudes mean nothing.

Anonymous said...

Rosa J you are correct however the Q&A is still up they as I understand it don't want to do no other than be a Q&A forumn remember last year the venom from print that was put into print, on this blog form their is also what to do about malice to others and about anonymous, the solution is to keep UCO REPORTER, and Q&A, what the Resident's are paying into UCO and make it user friendly
by all without all the yada yada
since these (2) entities are the
main print sourse to the CV residents, one is nearly nonfunctional the other is being question for it's way of publishing.........................
The elected officers are our bonified Pep's we can change it through the same process when new people run, until then all have to work together if not it's failures are going to continue if any...