Friday, December 5, 2008

Delegates Meeting

I have just walked out of the delegates meeting after suffering through mulitple questions from the floor that are made without a microphone. It is unbelievable that in today's technical world we are incapable of providing microphones for any and all speakers. This meeting is being filmed for showing on Channel 63 with the intent that all residents would have the opportunity to know what is going on in the village. It must be just fascinating to watch a meeting with long dead spots where the concerns of the people are being asked. Many people have the same questions, it would be nice to hear the question asked and answered. This is a subtle slap to the sunshine laws, an open meeting where the people have no clue as to what is being said.


elaineb said...

The recent emergency exec and del mtg same thing. Constant calls for microphone use from Frankel, Kronish and others were ignored.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is time for UCO to invest into a couple of mics to be used or three people to take care of each section. Some people can not come up to the mic and sometimes the questions is not repeat properly. We should be able to afford this if we don't have them already??

Anonymous said...

If I recollect Larry and Gerchel
use to go to each with a hand held microphone, so the Question could be heard,it should be the chair's responsibility to make this occur AGAIN,AND THE NEXT TIME THIS HAPPENS WITHOUT the mike it should be corrected.

Anonymous said...

Whoever authorized the speed bumps at the entrances should be shot.