Friday, January 30, 2009


This Post is contributed by Andre. Clearly it is about the low water levels in our waterways. Thanks Andre for your interest and concern.
Those of you who walked to the Clubhouse last night could smell the algeas under and around the bridge.
The worst is to come as low water level will produce more algeas. The lakes need more water and we cannot count only on Mother Nature.
I had a look at the recycling water input pipe and it seems to me like we are using a straw to fill a pool.
Can it raise or maintain the level of our lakes ?
The yardstick is a good measure that Ed Black could use to post on channel 63 the level of our lakes and lagoon ( currently below 0 )like the medias are doing for Lake Okechobee.
Have a good weekend all.
Andre ( Let's pray for rain )
We need to hear from the "secret keepers" at 2102 if they plan to commence Shoreline Restoration soon.
If not, we need to take our full allocation of 750K gallons daily in order to reverse the current ecological travesty in our lakes.
Again I recommend looking into algae eating Carp, or failing that a chemical solution.
If not stopped, when Spring/Summer comes, the Algae will grow exponentially and become very messy.
Expanding the Water Meter photo reveals that over 144 million gallons (144,053,990) have been drawn since inception; nowhere near our allowable allocation. which would be approximately 274 million gallons total.
Dave Israel


Anonymous said...

Thanks Andre and Dave. These photos REALLY show the terrible problem! The current UCO administration seems to be dropping the ball (again).

Anonymous said...

Our lake levels were fine until Vivian put in that huge system that is sucking water from the lakes.

Whose at fault. Once again, UCO. Turn off those two huge pipes or buy more water from the County or pay to replace all the landscaping you ruin.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 5:30,

Remember,if UCO is required to pay for the landscaping they ruin, then YOU are paying because UCO has no money.

Hideous, isn't it.

This system is set up so that the unit owners are screwed, and until the delegates can grow some brain cells, it will remain so. Because any elected UCO "officials" without exception, is participating in this behavior.
If they weren't participating, all of this would have changed a long time ago.

The answer is GET RID OF UCO and hire professional management.