Friday, January 9, 2009

TV Guide

What's the deal with TV Guide? Last I heard, the company was sold to another company for the round sum for one dollar! You may know it as a TV listings magazine, but it's much more: It's the entity that powers my TV's on-screen TV guide. Since the aforementioned events, the OSTVG is on the fritz. And now I hear that the Lionsgate movie studio may buy the non-magazine assets of TV Guide.


Anonymous said...

It can't be called a TV listing anymore. It lists two hours from 8-10 every night. That's all. The rest is an ordinary magazine. Don't call yourself TV Guide. It's a lie.

UCO President said...

I cannot speak to the demise of the Print version of TV Guide, but the Online version seem to be functional.

Click on "TV Guide" in the "Members favorite links" in the Sidebar.

This will take you to:
