Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hi All,
What I feared would happen has now happened. The Chair of our Transportation Committee (who coincidentally is running for VP of UCO) is now lobbying for the Bus company and endorsing egregious waste of Unit Owner money.

Please see Ms. LaBonte's article in the current UCO Reporter; Page 3.

Research from Canada is rejected: Ok!, here is some Research from right here in the USA:



If you're in a drive-through restaurant/business line or waiting for someone and you'll be parked and sitting for 10 seconds or longer... turn off your car's engine.

For every two minutes a car is idling, it uses about the same amount of fuel it takes to go about one mile. Research indicates that the average person idles their car five to 10 minutes a day. People usually idle their cars more in the winter than in the summer. But even in winter, you don't need to let your car sit and idle for five minutes to "warm it up" when 30 seconds will do just fine.
But you're not going anywhere. Idling gets ZERO miles per gallon.
The recommendation is: If you are going to be parked for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine. Ten seconds of idling can use more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it. And when you start your engine, don't step down on the accelerator, just simply turn the key to start.
An alternative to idling is to park your car, walk inside, do your business and then go back to your car.
Here are some other Myths associated with idling.
Myth #1: The engine should be warmed up before driving. Reality: Idling is not an effective way to warm up your vehicle, even in cold weather. The best way to do this is to drive the vehicle. With today's modern engines, you need no more than 30 seconds of idling on winter days before driving away.
Myth #2: Idling is good for your engine. Reality: Excessive idling can actually damage your engine components, including cylinders, spark plugs, and exhaust systems. Fuel is only partially combusted when idling because an engine does not operate at its peak temperature. This leads to the build up of fuel residues on cylinder walls that can damage engine components and increase fuel consumption.
Myth #3: Shutting off and restarting your vehicle is hard on the engine and uses more gas than if you leave it running. Reality: Frequent restarting has little impact on engine components like the battery and the starter motor. Component wear caused by restarting the engine is estimated to add $10 per year to the cost of driving, money that will likely be recovered several times over in fuel savings from reduced idling. The bottom line is that more than ten seconds of idling uses more fuel than restarting the engine.


Ok, Why is our Transportation Chair supporting the Bus Company on this issue of wasting thousands of Unit Owner dollars and pumping toxic waste into the atmosphere? You tell me!!!

This is a Technical issue, not to mention a matter of common sense. The Bus company is operating "Busses" when you operate any Motor Vehicle, you incur wear and tear on the vehicle, why increase the problem by insisting on idling the vehicle excessively; this argument is ludicrous. "Canadian Cars are not Florida Busses" My God, give me a break!

This is about excessively idling gasoline engines (4 cylinder, 6 cylinder, 8 cylinder or yes 10 cylinder) polluting our air and wasting our money.

The article above is from the California Consumer Energy Center; no doubt the Transportation Committee Chair will now accuse them also of having some sinister agenda.


Turn the Busses off at the Clubhouse and at Pubix.

Know ye well that if I am elected as UCO VP I will exert every effort to see that they are turned off; no doubt that fact is considered by some in UCO to be "Dangerous"

The Committee Chairs should be dedicated to protecting the CV Unit Owners from the Rapacious Greed of the Vendors, not advocating for the vendors!!

Dave Israel


Mike said...

Why would a person running for VP of UCO be more worried about the Bus Company interests than CV interests. Sure makes you wonder?????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

To LaBonte and Israel:

You both are running for VP of UCO. You both are acting like children in a sandbox. Hopefully, neither one of you gets elected.

Anonymous said...

Three candidates; two vacancies; do the math.

Anonymous said...

You can't just campaign from your safe little blog; you got to go out into the real world. George went out into the synagogues and kissed the babies.

Anonymous said...

Geez anonymice, you cannot spell or do math (other posts) and now you have lost your memory, it was Dave who kissed the baby, try to remember the adorable photo, remember.

elaineb said...

UCO should read what the EPA has to say, also see their handy calculator.
**Fuel Savings Calculation at
See Idle-Reduction on the left side blue column
(EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency)

Anonymous said...

I think that Ms LaBonte should stand beside the buses and inhale the lovely air that we have to breathe when we walk along side the buses. I also think she should pay for the extra gas out of her pocket that they consume for nothing. It is an outrage to be waasteful in these hard times to say nothing about our planet.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Karpf, in the first paragraph of his column, said:

"Very soon, we will be having our annual election for two new Vice Presidents of UCO. I think every delegate should give a lot of thought as to what type of person they want to be their next Vice President."

So he gave a lot of thought — and came up with LaBonte. It's OK. A word from him and everyone knows "do the opposite."

Anonymous said...

How ignorant can Ms LaBonte be?? She doesn't like the comments made by a Canadian company because what does Canada have to do with Florida? I am here to let her know we all breathe the same air. Our planet is so polluted, no thanks in part to LaBonte, we may not be able to clean it up. As for wearing out parts in the buses by closing the motor and starting it, we are paying in the contract for all that. Again, thanks to ignorance, it costs us more for gas and pollutes our air. That is what happens when people who are ignorant of a subject become the head of a committee and suddenly are know it alls. The bus company should not dictate to us. We should let them know what we want and if they cannot abide, well there are other companies who would love to have a contract for buses here.

Anonymous said...

All of the above comments have one important concept, and it is true and important. Claudette LaBonte should not, ever, ever, be an officer of UCO or anything else. She basically is a movie usher. That's all, and this note is written in English, if anyone doesn't recognize it.

Anonymous said...

It appears that Claudette is in good standing with the president, and can say anything she wants, even if she knows nothing about the subject, such as idling gasoline engines, engine starters, brakes, etc. Basically, she is an usher and nothing more. I agree with the anonymous above me. Remember this when you vote.

Anonymous said...

Do you want an arrogant knowitall representing you at UCO? Every time you drive by the clubhouse and see the space that took up four parking spaces to fill Claudette's fantasy that the PO was going to put a truck there to sell stamps several days a week. This was all in her head; apparently the post office never agreed to it. How many thousands were spent to eliminate four parking spaces with George's permission for Claudette's pipe dream?

Remember this, March 6, 8-9 am.