Friday, February 13, 2009

Will this be enough Water

6M rise in Ocean Level if the Arctic Shelf collapses due to global warming…
Search on Arctic and Antarctic shelf collapses this ice is melting and breaking in many areas.
Yes we are in the red zone.
Latest studies suggest that the western part of the Antarctica (WAIS) might be more sensitive towards a global warming than previously assumed. The WAIS covers about 10 percent by volume of the entire Antarctic ice sheet, which is equivalent to a sea-level rise of about 6m.
- Click on title for one link - Dave , you will like #3.

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Mike said...

Rush , Hannity , BillO and Ingrahm will disagree. According to them , there is no global warming. Who should I believe? What a quandry.

This is interesting stuff, inspite of what the conservative entertainers say. Mike

Anonymous said...

Its true, but it will be all SALT WATER--terrible for the grass.

The Nutmegger said...


Read reports by newscasters
who have intelligence.
The ones you named are
idiots. My sister was
in Antartica about 3 years
ago and she said there
is definitely a global

HumbleHumanity said...

Then why is the globe actually cooling? Because that is what it does. "Newscasters who have intelligence?" Like Olbermann, Madow? Your sis?

Rush, Hannity, BillO, and Ingraham, like anyone who has been alive for more than 5 or so years know the globe warms, and cools, and warms, and cools. Anyone who has been in a highschool biology class, at least in a private school, know CO2 is not a bad compound. It is very good, especially if you are a vegetarian.

Mike said...

Easy Nut , we don't want to insult our conservative brethern. lol

The Nutmegger said...


To each its own.

The Nutmegger said...


According to a stated fact
published by the Nobel-
winning intergovermental
Panel on Climate Change
they issued a landmark
report warning of rising sea levels, expanding
deserts, more intense
storms and the extinction
of up to 30% of plant and
animal species. But recent
climate studies suggest
that report significantly
underestimates the potential severity of
global warming over the
next 100 years. We now
have data showing greenhouse gas emissions
increased far more rapidly
than we expected. This is
primarily because countries
like China and India saw
a huge upsurge in electronic power generation, almost all of
it based on coal.

Mike said...

Nut , You don't have to convice me but we have to get a plan together to nuke China and India. These countries are killing the planet as you have rightly poined out. Mike