Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Winter Sunbathing

Where are the best Winter spots to get a tan in CV? Least wind, most reflected sun. Make the northerners jealous. The noisy-guy-corner of the Guest Pool area will not suffice.
(Useful answers please, you blew it on the Clubhouse show question!!)
Your BLOGMEISTER replies.
Despite the fact that Elaine was unable to get Madam Schumann Heink for me at the Clubhouse, I am going to answer her question.
To do so I have added the graphic of CV at the top of the Post, courtesy of GOOGLE Earth.
Let us commence:
The approximate distance from North Hastings to the Southern edge of CV is 1781 Meters, 1852 Meters is one Nautical Mile.
Thus an angle subtended at the center of the Earth will describe a distance of approximately .96 ArcMinutes along this line.
This will decrease the angle of incidence of the solar radiation received to a minimum obtainable within the CV Campus, circa 108 degrees. The minimum angle would be 90 Degrees at the Equator, with maximum tanning effect.
Thus to put it simply the best location would be at the Southampton pool area. Of course, you will have to put up with noise of traffic on Okeechobee Blvd. A small matter when in search of a tan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will find most pools have buildings on the north side and a southern wall suntrap, Dorchester, Camden, Kent. Hasting has the most S facing wall with no awning. Logic in CV!!! it was the builders not U know who.