Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hi All,
I know none of our BLOGGERS want to see political statements on our BLOG; however, realistically, it is the only “wide scale” outlet that your BLOGMEISTER has to reach The People, I have no campaign committee.
Ms. LaBonte on the other hand has the considerable power of the “UCO machine” on her side. Some of them have orchestrated a broad campaign using components of the Usher Corps to distribute campaign literature and to make telephone calls on her behalf. A sitting VP of UCO regularly extols her praises at meetings he conducts.
She uses her position on the Usher Corps to glad-hand attendees at every Clubhouse show; while UCO causes WPRF to deny me the same privilege.
Claudette is using her UCO machine support and selected Ushers to distribute two letters; A “Dear Delegates” letter and A “Claudette’s Challenge” letter.
Claudette’s Challenge states that “She listens, and pays attention, to our problems”, “She analyses the situation and finds a solution” and she persists until her goal is reached”
Those of you who read this BLOG, know that your BLOGMEISTER make every effort to listen to Unit Owner questions and research legal references in response.
I do not blindly follow any Party or Regime; every issue is examined and researched; these are the skills I would carry forward as Vice President of UCO.
OK! Now let’s look at Claudette’s recent accomplishments!!
1) Expenditure of thousands of our dollars to build a place in the Clubhouse Parking lot for a Mobile Postal Van. Where is the Van?
2) Advocating for the position of the Bus Company to let the bus engines continue to idle at the Clubhouse and at Publix, thus burning our money on gas while the Bus sits and goes nowhere. The cost of this nonsense is in excess of $25,000.00 per year, and pollutes our air.

3) Losing her temper regularly at the Clubhouse with patrons and our Security force.

Fine work indeed and to be expected to continue if she is elected as UCO VP!
Please consider where Claudette’s support comes from and her fine accomplishments noted above and then vote for Dave Israel and Bob Marshall for Vice President of UCO.
Dave Israel


elaineb said...

Vote for Dave and Bob for VPs, bring sanity and reason to the village.
Problems are appearing in the village, beyond the abilities of old UCO. Executive board candidates who have lost their usefulness should not be returned just because they are old friends and like to hang out at UCO and hang on committees without contributing anything useful. You do not need to vote for 20 exec board members. Only give votes to the best and brightest, you do not need to fill a slate, be selective, send a message.

The Nutmegger said...


Your Blog on Foreclosures
and the one on Mortgages
is a true picture of how
you are always there to
answer any questions a
CVer has. You have been
answering any problems
that a Blogger ask of you
and you advise them what
steps to take. You and
Bob Marshall as VP's would
be a real blessing for
Century Village because
you both care about the
welfare of the unit owners.

Anonymous said...

Claudette has created problems wasting your dollars on gas and POparking. WPRF and UCO Operations have had to cut items from the bugdet, pool chairs, sailboats, repair of trip and fall concrete behind the clubhouse, water turned off, fountains turned off days. Our dollars went on Claudette’s spending, but she and UCO blame residents for cuts.

Anonymous said...

The cuts are due to WPFR not collecting all the recreation money as people here are falling behind and condos are being forclosed on. These are hard times for us all. If WPRF can't collect all their money owed then they cannot pass on to UCO all the money they owe and so it goes. UCO cannot be wasteful with the money they do get... Buses idling etc.