Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Background Check on Assoc Prez

See Cerabino’s latest, CV again.
Click header or -


A Greenspan said...

This is not a valid reason for not investigating people. Finances can change overnight. Ask some of Madoff's customers.

Randall said...

In addition, investigations are confidential and cannot be legally 'forwarded' to a different association. Rules are rules.

Marjo said...

I've got one almost as good. How does a person who is selling their own apartment sign the certificate of approval for the person buying it, even though they may be an officer? Is that legal?

Anonymous said...

Is this inestigation really a CV law as Cerabino says or is it just a rule which any association can ignore if it wants to.

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely amazed at how this
article has made the villian, the
victim! As a former President of
his Assoc., he should be fully aware of the confidentiality of any
report, that has crossed his desk.
The untold financial hardships this
issue will force upon the residents
of his companion's association...
Both his financial and mental health positions, may have changed
considerably, from the time of his
original application....therefore
to protect the residents, the current practice must continue...
He's not the poor persecuted Widower.....nor has ever been....

Ben Hecht said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't investigating someone who has already been investigated against the principle of double jeopardy?

UCO President said...

Hi Ben,
Apr 10, 2009 12:18:00 PM

I suspect that your conjecture is a bit of a reach;

DOUBLE JEOPARDY - Being tried twice for the same offense; prohibited by the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. '[T]he Double Jeopardy Clause protects against three distinct abuses: [1] a second prosecution for the same offense after acquittal; [2] a second prosecution for the same offense after conviction; and [3] multiple punishments for the same offense.

This case reminds me of an old comedy; the punch line!

"Pay the two dollars"

Anybody remember the movie and the stars?

Dave Israel