Monday, April 20, 2009

Finance Committee Meeting

Did anyone go to the Finance Committee Meeting on Friday to find out what was going to happen with our money from Comcast? I was unable to attend.


UCO President said...

Hi Grace,
It was Recommended by the Finance Committee that the
Doorway fee be used as follows:

1) Pay CSI fee of 15% of total Doorway Fee.

2) Pay off the remaining balance of loan on new UCO Office building

3) Significantly reduce the monthly Cable bill for one year.

These recommendations are not yet final, as they must roll forward thru the vetting channel, ultimately to be approved by the Delegate Assembly.

We have proprietary prohibitions from publicly publishing the actual numbers; but if you want them, please send me your Email address.

Send it to:

Note further, that Some 300 copies of the Contract highlights, complete with numbers and new Channel loading, was handed out at the Delegate Assembly meeting.

So, check with your delegate; if he/she was not present, so indicate and I shall Email you a copy.

Dave Israel

Grace said...

Thanks Dave. I was at the Delegate meeting and have a copy.

George R. Pittell said...

Hi Dave
Am I to understand that a new contract with Comcast has been finalized and signed? At the delegate meeting the vote was to approve doing so if the final wording is as was presented to us.
