Sunday, May 10, 2009


CV Medical building - left click to supersize
In another thread about the closing of the Pharmacy, the following Comment appears:
Not a mind reader said...

"Which pharmacy ???
Dave, are you getting senile, or have been UCO'd ??"
In order to eliminate any obfuscation that may have occurred in confusing our "on Campus Pharmacy" with, let's say, the one located where the Tulingi Escarpment meets the Serengeti Plain; I have provided an overhead photo of the building containing the Pharmacy in question.
This building is located at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Century Blvd. and East Drive. The address of this building is 100 Century Blvd. and may be seen above, courtesy of GOOGLE Earth. The building is seen from an altitude of about 600 feet.
I make devout apology for any confusion this poor senile soul may have caused.
Dave Israel
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Anonymous said...

Golly gee willikers!! your as guilty as sin...

ps. we don't have a campus..this is not a university...this is not a city...this is a collection of 309 associations and one collection of presidents with overblown egos..all of whom are personally liable for all uco's shenanigans

pss. It took a DUH! from Capt. John before you had the decency to tell us when the Comcast debacle begins.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know we had a pharmacy.
Where's the sign out front ???

Anonymous said...

It's time to take your meds people!
And for some of you, time to cut back!

George R. Pittell said...

Hi Anonymous(es)

I can undertstand your not knowing there was an on premise medical building and pharmacy if you missed seeing the street signs to the medical bldg (I am not sure if it says pharmacy) and if you have not read about the plans for the building and some of the ads for service in the UCO reporter.

If I consider all the activities and shows we have in CV it does feel somewhat like being in Camp, hence I will accept and take pride in the use of the word Campus.

Not being an association president perhaps you may not include me in that group of overblown egoists. I do however serve on my board and as the alternate delegate.When in residence I attend as many UCO meetings as I can. I generally feel the people serving our community do so in the best interest of all the community. Trouble is there is such diversity of opinion on what people want done or not done. This is certainly so with respect to our Cable Service which affects all of us, but also the shoreline and the golf course which affects some much more than others.

Sorry but I am unaware of what it took Capt John's doing and am unfamiliar with the reference LMAO posted by Mike.

Happy Camping

UCO President said...

Hi George
May 10, 2009 7:32:00 PM,

LMAO is "Cyberspace" lingo for:
"Laughing My Ass Off"

If you would like to look over an entire dictionary of these "communications" short cuts, see:

Dave Israel

Village Voice said...

To "Not a Mind Reader": You have a serious problem, really. It's in a building that you have to pass frequently. It's about a city block from the Clubhouse. How could you pass the building and never notice that it was a medical complex? And to suggest that Dave is "UCO'd" is more signs that you're not all here. David is one of our best well-known figures that live in our piece of paradise. Now, if you don't know where this piece of paradise is, click to the CV website; on the first page, you will see a scrolling message explaining our little piece of paradise. Have a good day; I have no hard feelings towards you. Just feeling sorry that there are people here that don't know more about our people and our little piece of paradise.

PS: Co-Q-10 and Folic Acid will help you. Ask your doctor.

Anonymous said...


A state of being in denial of reality

Believing you live in paradise when everyone else is LMAO.

Thinking you have "something" when the unit prices are the lowest in West Palm Beach area

Following the DON...Levy

Helping people even if it kills them ( yes, UCO/Levy/Seacrest is responsible for the elevator "accident")

Violating the law. knowing that Levy's lawyers and paid off judges will save you

Dave, you're an absolute sell-out