Monday, June 1, 2009

North Canal Near Bridge

Bench in Canal

Trees not trimmed for possible hurricane damage as in rest of the village
Collapsed but not possible as per Sol Bomollo last year after the pipe broke. This area needs to be dug out as there was a big collapse last year when a county water pipe broke. Sol said the county was so busy and could not repair the canal damage.

Enough algae to choke and kill anything!

The collapse again.
Since I wrote my comment to Andre's beautiful piece this morning I decided to take pictures of what I was talking about. One picture I did not get on here is a half bag of bagels hanging from fronds of a palm tree on the north side of the canal. What kind of people do we have living here?
The bench in the canal is in front of Hastings A where I have been told that George Lowenstein lives. Does anyone keep count of the benches we have and where they are? Does anyone care? The only time the algae moves from where I found it is if a big wind comes up and moves it away for awhile, then it is back. I look at this mess every morning on my walk. If this was all I saw and someone asked me to rate Century Village and its beauty I would give it a 0. Does the beautification committee only beautify where prospective buyers would pass? What a shame! I would like some of my monthly money that is sent to the beautification committee to be spent around the north canal and how about something to kill off the algae before the algae kills of the wildlife that depends on our water to live, e.g. the turtles.


GIACOMO said...

grace I share your frustration , the only business that was priority was
the UCO building which looks nice but was it neccesary when many other project we see outside our windows?
and we don't know if the commitees have it as one of their priorities.
This is but one of the reasoms I can't commit to leaving here year round it could or should be called PARDISE however many have eaten the APPLE
as in the Biblical Story. KEEP the FAITH++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Plcruise said...

Thanks Grace. The pictures look great, but show the terrible situation. Where is Sal regarding all this if he is still trying to do irrigation??

Steve said...

I went to a meeting of the irrigation committee a couple of months ago. I was with Andre when he petitioned the committee to do more about the problems of erosion and exposed "beaches." He was told that he was complaining about cosmetic issues and they weren't there to solve "Cosmetic Problems". These bodies of water are flood control devices. So I guess I should feel ashamed for caring so much about a cosmetic problem. I moved here in June of 2002. The water level in the flood control devices was high and I thought they looked beautiful. I guess I mistook them for lakes.

branko said...

I agree with you Qiacomo

GIACOMO said...

I by my print review made many errors in the spelling it was not me it was the SAMBUCO,.,.,.

1 said...

Grace, thank you for your good words and for the time you put in to take these pictures. In any serious organization this type of negligence would deserve firing the responsible employee for his gross negligence in preserving the assets and threatening the wildlife and damaging the environment.
But who is the responsible employee? Who is the responsible organization? UCO OR WPRF? Blunck or Anita Cruz ?
Let's keep pushing this dead horse around, maybe it still has a bit of wind in the stomach. Andre

Rocky said...

N. Canal walk bridge, just as photos show, and what is with the neighboring ‘garden’ looks like the ruins of concrete Pompeii. That is not all algae, most is delicious duckweed.

Duckweed is an important food source for waterfowl and is also eaten by humans in some parts of Southeast Asia (as khai-nam). It is an excellent food source for Koi and Tilapia and they never get tired of feeding on Duckweed. Also used for poultry feed, cow feed, water filtration, many uses for duckweed, Online - duckweed for sale. A NEW AQUATIC FARMING SYSTEM FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES

Anonymous said...

The north bank of the north canal does not belong to Benenson, Levy,nor UCO. It is platted as the 12th street extension and is dedicated to the Public...that's you and me.

If UCO continues to kill the vegatation that is holding the banks from collasping, then they should be taken to Duck Island and have their hands chopped off.

You hear that GEORGE

Plcruise said...

How can the north canal be dedicated to the public? CV surrounds it on three sides, the other edge is the City of WPB water catchment area.

Anonymous said...

Check the plat can get them at the building dept. on Jog road at Okeechobee.

Do not beleive anything that UCO or Dave tells you...UCO is a bold faced liar and Dave "conveniently" omits critical items

Ed Black said...

Hi Anon y mous

It is quite interesting that your view of just who is a liar is in part a basic denial of your own lack of confidence in your view.

Why else would you hide your identity from us? Since you are so unsure of your views, most of us just refuse to place any credence in any such comments!

Sorry, but you are wrong, and I’m Ed Black.

Anonymous said...

I'm so confident in my "view" that I'm willing to die for it.

Are you willing to die for your corruption, ED.??