Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why Is It?

In New York fast food restaurants, you have it your way, but in Florida, you have to order twice to get what you want?


Vinnie said...

You poor soul. You'll never understand Florida. I suggest you do move real quickly back to New York. I feel the same way you do, but more than the restaurants. The people here are too friendly. Basically, they're much nicer to each other than New Yorkers. New Yorkers just go about their business and not make their eyes meet. You know, like when riding on a subway, and your eyes meet the eyes of some guy adjacent to you and that guy sez "wadda yah lookin at?" and you report "nuttin, really." They say "you a wizeguy?" You repeat "no, really no." That's the best part that I like about New York. The rest, such as the theaters, practically everyone is educated, friendly in a sophisticated manner, especially in restaurants. Now, restaurants are really more than just an eatery. If you do go back, I wish you good luck, especially at the time of the year when the snow is heavy on the ground. :)

Anonymous said...

As the bumper sticker says: If things are so much better in New York, then take I-95 North, NOW!

Anonymous said...

I shall issue a standing order to
all the anonymous.
No words in capitals, no advising
people where to go.
Yeah. I know. Some anonymous will
tell me where to go, but please,
pretty please, don't make it a New York. I'll take a California, though.