Sunday, December 30, 2007


You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32

Hi All,
With the latest CV Forum guidlines, I believe that the Forum has been reduced to a Bulletin Board for Fluff and Papp rather than substantive inquiry. It should be allowed to experience the ignominious demise it deserves.

Researched data is regularly referred to as "opinion" by the Forum Managers.

No criticism of the current Administration is tolerated even if it might be well deserved. Worse yet, UCO is presented as the only valid source of the "Full Facts" and the "Real Truth"! simply ludicrous.

No controversial issues are entertained. Any non-compliant post is summarily deleted and declared "inappropriate".

We are endlessly reminded that our "inappropriate" posts are read all over the world and worse yet are affecting Real-Estate values in the Village! Of course, the reckless multi-million dollar legal fiasco that we have been plunged into by the Officers of UCO is not given the credit it so richly deserves for depressing said values!

So, while light fare and banter are welcome here, it is hoped that this BLOG will also deal in harder questions regarding how to run your Associations, questions about Condominium law, Technical matters related to Condominium living and various complex research questions related to Florida Statutes that impact our lives in CV. In short, informed controversy is welcome. We are not lawyers, and no legal advice will be dispensed on this BLOG, but real questions are welcome and hard research is encouraged. There is more to life than; "Where can I find a good tile person"

No one is banned, chat is encouraged, as chat is a normal function of Human communications. Criticism of UCO, WPRF or any other "Authority" is fine if it has some basis in fact. We are not children to be kept in the dark and fed propagandised trivial papp

Please be civil, and respect your fellow neighbors, that is all I ask!

Dave Israel
Greenbrier C


Randall said...

David, thanks for your continued pursuit to inform and educate.

UCO President said...

Thanks Randall,
I do not know if it will fly, but I had to try something.

LARRY KALL said...

Larry said- just testing

Mike said...

Hi Dave , Great idea, Carole and the UCO thought police can talk fluff all day and night . Thank You Mike

LARRY KALL said...

larry kall said-for some time it was suggested that if we at Century Village wanted a chat room format someone should start one, as Dave has done.

The Q & A is a different type format with a different purpose.

The WPRF site is something they started for their own purpose.

How successful this blog site will be will probably depend on how our residents use it.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
To post on this site you will need a GOOGLE account, or a Gmail account or a BLOGGER account. All these accounts are free of charge.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
Larry is correct, you the user will decide. Other than a bit of common courtesy and civility to one another there are no limitations here as to usage. A Chat format is fine, also questions of fact are encouraged. Anyone with information of interest is welcome to jump on board. It's your BLOG to use as you see fit.

Mike said...

Larry, The Q&A forum was great until Carole and the UCO thought police decided the CV residents were not to be exposed to different opinions. Mike

Plcruise said...

Thanks Dave for doing all this for C.V. Peter

UCO President said...

Hi All,
Just a few points. You may have noted that the clock was wrong. I believe I have fixed that.
I had to make some choices as to how long to leave posts. There are two ways to set that parameter. It may be set to "Posts", in which case 999 posts would accumulate before they are all cleared. Or, it may be set to "Days". I have chosen to set that to 14 days. If there is other opinion on this, please post your views.

Ed Black said...

What a Grand idea. Freedom of speech really does exist.

Perhaps we may now resume the effort to provide CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM, when it is appropriate, and factual details, no matter who disagrees.

David, I commend your effort to see beyond the limitations imposed on the forum, needlessly. Differing opinions only provide a way for change, and more often than not, for the GOOD.

Now perhaps, “a happy and much healthier new year for all”.

Mike said...

Dave , I think this Blog should be advertised in the Reporter so all CV can find it . Mike

sylutto said...

This is great idea. Can it lead to a formation of a ticket in the next election? syzlutto

UCO President said...

Hi Mike,
Keeping in mind that the UCO reporter is a UCO House organ, I doubt that anything so
"controversial" would ever be published.

Mollie said...

Hi Dave, Thank you for giving us a voice. While I firmly believe that CV is a wonderful place to live, I have been very upset to find that any opposing voice or opinion has been effectively shut off from the general residents. I look forward to seeing and thinking about other opinions on solutions to village problems. We have many talents in this village and it will be refreshing if they join in and become a voice.

The Nutmegger said...

Hi Dave:

You are a genius. I just
knew that you would find a
way to have a friendly place to share ideas and also to chit-chat with one
another without being censored. Many Many Thanks.

The Nutmegger

BettieL said...

We all are indebted to you, for
all of your past contributions,
and the creation of this site....
I look forward to the exchange of
ideas, information etc., which can
only enhance our community.
Again, Dave, many thanks...
Bettie L

Mike said...

Lake water level answer to previous Q&A (not allowed) for Peter I think

Although the reclaimed water facility is officially open (tah dah) it is not yet flowing into our lakes because:

1. The engineering study of lake shore erosion is ongoing and can be done better with low levels of water.

2. Its raining.

3. There may be further delays because of water co requirements for extra flow meters, but if you have more questions you must go to infrastructure cmte meetings.

It will be along eventually, no worries

UCO President said...

Here is a suggested format for asking a specific question on a specific subject. Make a subject line in CAPS, so users know it is a question.
This is not required, just a suggestion.

UCO President said...

sylutto said...
This is great idea. Can it lead to a formation of a ticket in the next election? syzlutto

December 30, 2007 1:45 PM
Hi Sy,
Interesting question, currently the distribution on this BLOG is very limited, and the only way it will get publicity is by users talking it up. So it's reach is very small; however, what exactly do you have in mind as regards Candidates who are prepared to step into the current quagmire


Ken said...

Thanks for setting up this blog. I echo all the other sentiments posted

Sue Cohen said...

A place were your not made to feel as if you are re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Well done Dave.
Sue Cohen

Ed Black said...


The response, to your effort to provide a forum for all to openly share their views about any subject matter, has met with a confirmation.

I wonder if the "powers that be" will be awakened to the realization that we human beings tend to not learn from history. Stifling the decent in any society is a shortcut to resolving problems at the expense of democracy. The greater majority of participants writing on this site are trying desperately to insist on a voice, which is their God given right, under our constitution, and we won't go away, quietly.

Change is mandated and it will of necessity occur, the timing of which is entirely up to this narrowly focused administration, which can't stand even constructive criticism or recommendation.

Please continue to participate in this process, as debate and discussion strengthen our community, and that is best for this village.

Personally, I thank all who speak their minds, and while we don't always agree, we surely can agree that we DO learn from each other's views, and that makes all of us stronger.

A very happy and H E A L T H Y New Year to all.

Ed Black

sy said...

I thought there should be an opposition slate in the upcoming election. I am not clear on whst the election rules and deadlines are. How about Dave Israel or Ed Black for president? Sy Lutto

UCO President said...

I believe that Ed would make an excellent President of UCO.

Ed Black said...


I believe David would make an excellent President of UCO!

Ed Black

Ken said...

And I believe either gentleman would be just what CV needs

bob marshall said...

I am just trying to follow the directions to get on this blog

UCO President said...

bob marshall said...
I am just trying to follow the directions to get on this blog

December 31, 2007 2:34 PM

Hi Bob,
Did you try using your Gmail address and Pasword?

No matter, you have arrived.

Mike said...

Just want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. Mike

Ken said...

have I done wrong or do I have to type in characters plus user name plus password each time I want to make a comment

Ken said...

have I done wrong or do I have to type in characters plus user name plus password each time I want to make a comment

UCO President said...

kdavis97 said...
have I done wrong or do I have to type in characters plus user name plus password each time I want to make a comment

December 31, 2007 9:28 PM

Hi Ken,
The "word verification" is to prevent Robots from injecting SPAM adds. I will eliminate it and we will see how it goes.

UCO President said...

Hi Ken,
The Password and user request will only be made on the first comment posted in a given session.
The only way to make it go away completely is to open this BLOG to any user, registered or not.
What do you think, should we open it up completely?

UCO President said...


UCO President said...

Hi Ken,
Ok, "word verification" is gone.

UCO President said...


There is a Town meeting comming up wherein Susan Bucher will hold forth on certain Property TAX initiatives. In preparation for this meeting, the following references may prove interesting:


Please try to attend the Town meeting


Ken said...

I would keep it the way you have it.
My problem was with the squiggly characters when they ran together which you have taken care of

J. Michael said...

Thank you David Israel.

Jerry and Rosa

Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
UCO President said...

Hi Mike,
An important issue indeed, may I suggest that you make it a New Post.
The steps for doing this are on the home Page of the BLOG.

Ed Black said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
franko said...

well i am happy to see this site
carole and uco have lost their minds if you ask something and BIG SISTER does not like it you are out so i think they make people who post on that old tired site get hostile and the email she sends you are so nasty
so thank you dave for this

franko said...

thank you thank you DAVID

bob marshall said...

Unlike a recent comment entered here there is no doubt as to why this blog was created.
Censorship is not a good thing in small doses and in heavy doses is intolerable.
I commend David for the creation of this site and like David, I would hope for heavy proper usage.
I hesitate to define proper but I believe that most folks who use this or another site understand that profanity is not necessary, however a sensible discussion of all issues is highly desirable.

After all, we might actually learn something!

Thanks David. Please keep up the good work.
By the way, I also believe that if you could you would make an excellent UCO President--perhaps even the best yet.

The Nutmegger said...

Bob Marshall is so correct
in saying that David would
be the best President that
UCO has ever had.

The Nutmegger