Thursday, February 28, 2008


Is large scale shredding available anywhere? I have a shredder that only takes 2 pages at a time. I have a crate of paper to shred. Anybody have a wood chipper!


Topper said...

Try Costco. I know someone that bought a heavy duty one there a while back and I think it cost about $150. The one I have I got at Sams and paid $50 for. It does a pretty good job cross-shredding about 3 or 4 sheets at a time.

UCO President said...

Hi Le Titfly,

Shredders that are capable of "Bulk" destruction are expensive, and probably not worth the money for a one time event.

There are however "Shredder on Wheels services" that will come to your home and for a fee of course do the job.

here is but one example:

In the era of Identity Theft, shredding is just plain smart self defense.


letitfly said...

Mess with my name and there will be a wood chipper (CT divorce)waiting for you Dave!

Thx for input, I should have explained I do not wish to buy. I was hoping I could stop by somewhere like Kinko's to shred quicker.

capt john said...

If there was - THERE WOULD BE NO UCO or DEMOCRATIC PARTY, for that matter!

Mike said...

Great resource for someone with a lot of schredding

Bob Sage said...

For on site at your door document shredding and recycling, call Microshed at 1-866-GO-SHRED for a free consultation, demonstration and estimate. We have used them; they are reasonable and good.

letitfly said...

Bingo, I will do, Thx Bob.