Thursday, February 21, 2008

Conflict resolution is Universal

The following is from a friend of mine in Tennessee and I thought it quite interesting in its similarity to our CV situation.

"I have been reading the CV blog and although my neighborhood is not anywhere near as big, this sounds like us 8 or 10 years ago. We referred to the factions as white hats and black hats and of course, Mel and I were white hats. We finally got a good group in office, hired a professional property manager, and the community has been functioning well since then. Everyone is not happy all the time, but we are functioning well. There are only a couple of us who were white hats who are still on the BOD, but we complete our terms with this year. Neither of us is running again. I think we have gotten processes in place where the good government will continue, but I’m sure Bob thought that to. If our new administration fires the property manager and doesn’t replace him with someone good, we will be back where we were. Living in a community like this makes it amazing to me that the United States works at all. We have 183 units some of whom can’t or won’t compromise and just want to complain, but don’t want to do anything to solve the problem. CV has 8000 units with the same problem. We in the US have millions and yet we manage to survive (so far) but careening from pillar to post, spinning around sometimes to go backwards, but eventually making enough forward progress to keep going. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with this many people, in this process some will benefit and some will get hurt. I wonder how long we are going to last. I think that last sentence means I am getting old. All of us old people think the current generation is going down the tube. "

I am hoping that the election results are what is best for the village. Let's make sure we know what we are voting for.

1 comment:

Topper said...

Unfortunately, as is nationally, only a few will make the decision for all of us. Let's just hope that those few do their research, listen to the opinions of the people they represent, and vote from their hearts as to what is best for the Village.