Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Who, wot, where, and how is a Recreation Lease, as referred to by Larry?

I like my info dry and dusty, I have:

Articles of Incorporation of UCO, Amendment, & Resolution
UCO Bylaws Dec 1 ‘06
Millennium Agreement with Exhibits A & B +Schedule 2
UCO-Associations Bilateral-Agreement
Clubhouse Information Packet (old - no date)
UCO Welcome to CV 2006

My Association Condominium Documents (Declaration, Bylaws, and Incorporation) with Amendments and Survey w/map

Florida Statutes Condominium Act Chapter 718
Florida Administrative Code 61B-15 thru 25
Condominium Unit Owner Rights & Responsibilities


Mike said...

Elaine , You are one up to date and informed CV resident. If we were all more like you, CV would not be in the mess it is in. Mike

UCO President said...

Hi Elaine,
It might be helpful to know that the item referred to as the "Millenium Agreement" is in fact formally titled;
"Millenium UCO Amendment to Long Term Lease".

So, what is the Long Term Lease and where is it to be found?

Simple; in your original Declaration of Condominium:

If you look at Para: XVII (Long Term Lease),
Para: XVIII (Management Agreement)
You will find these items described.

The actual Long Term Lease is to be found at Ehxibit 3.

The Management Agreement is to be found at Exhibit 4.

Let me know if you cannot find these items.


elaineb said...

I began to detangle the docs with Dave’s instructions (thank you) but screeched to a halt at Exhibit 3 – that is our Articles of Incorporation. So in my package Dave’s Exhibits 3 and 4 are missing. The references are there but it is Exhibit # blank.
“The actual Long Term Lease Exhibit 3. The Management Agreement Exhibit 4.” Not found.

elaineb said...

I was going to frame Mike’s compliment but sorry Mike I too was fooled by George.
I did find lots of easement words in Declaration of Condo XIX, O, referring to a deed 6/11/68. I bet the same verbiage is in a Medical Bldg doc! But don’t ask me.

UCO President said...

Hi Elaine,

Ok, they are PDF Scans,(Photographs), I will try to pull them out and send them to you.


UCO President said...

Hi Elaine,

New plan!
Before I copy out these huge Bit-Maps, what is the name of your Association?


UCO President said...

Hi Elaine,
Your Declaration of Condominium starts at Book: 2306 / Page: 1798.

Your Long Term Lease starts at Book: 2306 / Page: 1823 and runs to Page: 1835.

Your Management Agreement starts at Book: 2306 / Page: 1836 and runs to Page: 1840.

If it is not in your package, you may pull it down from the Clerk of Court site as did I.


elaineb said...

and many thanks, you have to know what is missing before you can find it.

Anonymous said...


All the documents you have collected; have they enlightened you? do you mind sharing your discoveries ? or are you just building a library ?