Friday, May 9, 2008

Blog Party Success !!!

Hi All,

Our second Blog party was a wonderful time! We ended up having a perfect high-top table in the corner that had a beautiful window view outside. It was like our own private little world.

This time - "and then there were 4" ! That's one more person than our first go around! If we continue to have these parties and if they continue to grow by only 1 person each time - just think, by the end of the year we will have a nice group and a whole bunch of brand new friends!

Thanks to Mike, Elaine and Nutmegger! You are all even better in person!!!

We already have plans to do it again. Next time we're going to Cappuccino's Italian Restaurant. Nutmegger highly recommends it. Anyone for Italian? Flynn, I bet you won't find your moldy parmesan at Cappuccino's.

It was a great time with truly a lot of laughs. The only thing that would have made it better, is if Dave had been with us. We miss our friend. But, hopefully next time!

Len - you were blogging when you should have been with us. We were looking for you! Maybe next time and hopefully a few more!

Good day all,


Topper said...

Hey - am I the only one that had a good time? Where is everybody? It's lonesome out here all by myself!!!!

The Nutmegger said...


You certainly are not alone
in the great time all of us
had the other night. I can't wait until the next

PS: Have you tried melatonin to get some sleep.

Mike said...

The Blog ladies are a delight.

Flynn said...

Tried Cappuccino's some time ago and the Parmesan cheese was all black and moldy. Haven't gone there since. Let me know if it has changed.

Topper said...

Yippee! Heard from some BODIES!!! Hi Nutmegger and Mike. Now I feel much better. Thanks Mike for the nice compliment about us ladies! Written like a true gentleman!
I did have a good laugh when I read Flynn's moldy Parmesan comment. I guess we're just not going to win that very cheesy situation unless we go up to New York for our Italian. Bob was right!
Happy Saturday all!
ps: Nutmegger, I'll do a little reading up on that stuff. Thank you!

elaineb said...

I enjoyed the blog supper club very much, Chris is a lovely hostess, and its always great when you can be yourself with friends, I count the bloggers I know as my real friends. Thank you and TIA, TIA for next time I forget to say thanks.
I'll bring my own parmesan wherever we go.

Topper said...

Thanks Elaine for the lovely comment. You guys are turning into pretty good friends of mine too. I continue to hope we get some more of our CV neighbors to join us. We have some really nice people in this community.

Anonymous said...

I read how successful this blog party was. Lets see-4 people were there out of 7854 units in CV West Palm.
That means that .0000509294627 percent of the residents attended.

The Nutmegger said...


If you tried Cappuccino
recently and found molded
cheese you were not at the
right Cappuccino.Tonight
I had my 2nd Mother's Day
dinner (the 1st was at Palm
Beach Country Club) at
Cappuccino and the restaurant that I am talking about is:
11452 Okeechobee Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL
(561) 791-2209
We were there at 7:00 PM
tonight and it was crowded
but we were seated in a
booth and after some of the
tables got empty I had my
daughter check the cheese
and you couldn't find a
cleaner restaurant.
I suggest that instead of
complaining...join us and
see for yourself what a
great time is had by all.

Topper said...

Hi Annonymous,

I read your comment about only 4people at our blog party. It isn't important how many people came. We had a nice time. That's all that really matters. To me that's a success.

Hopefully in time, more will join us. It's so nice that Dave gave us the opportunity to chat with our neighbors. For those who enjoy it, it is a treat to once in a while be able to meet up and speak to the folks that you have been chatting with.
It's a simply a win-win situation, no matter 4 or 20.
If this blog went away, I would miss it and my chatty friends.

Flynn said...

Thank you, Nutmegger. I am happy to hear that they cleaned up their act. I complained to them when I was there and I guess they took my suggestion.

Definitely I will try them again. I drive past them regularly to go to the library just past Royal Palm Road.

Flynn said...

Dear Ms. Nutmegger:

I feel that you should have a nicer name. You sound like a nice person, but enough on that. Did your daughter take the cover and tap the white, beautiful cheese out of the cover into the bottle? That's when the black mold shows up, under the white cheese stuck to the cover. At first glance, lifting the cover and seeing the beautiful white parmesan/romano cheese, everything looks perfect. You must tap the cheese out of the cover back into the jar and see what is under it to really determine if there is mold. Please answer if did or didn't tap the cheese out of the cover.

The Nutmegger said...


What makes Flynn a nicer
name than nutmegger. When
David started putting his
puzzles on the CV Accent and when the answers were
given my name was always
there saying that I was the
winner of the last puzzles.
The name that was posted
was Lilly Rxxxxxx and I got
tired of reading that name
so I asked if I could use
a pseudo name and they said
yes and I picked The Nutmegger because CT is
the knickname.

As for the cheese we did
not have to scrap inside
the cover because there
wasn't any cheese stuck to
the cover of the cheese

Anonymous said...

and the cheese sage continues....

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought a little bit of moldy parmesan would cause such a stir.
love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh Waiter, I’ll have some spaghetti and a meat-a-balls with some moldy parmesan cheese please.

Anonymous said...

All right already, that's enough with the moldy parmesaneeee cheese please.

Anonymous said...

Boy we certainly are getting some fruitful discussions on this blog. It appears that the best anyone can come up with while Dave is away is the moldy cheese issue that is sure to consume the village for years to come.

elaineb said...

But don't we have fun, that is the ones who come to supper.

Anonymous said...

Fruit, did somebody say fruit? You don't mean moldy fruit, do you? Moldy cheese is bad enough, but now it's moldy fruit.

I can't take it anymore. I'm heading back to good old New York. I'm done with you people!

Topper said...

I'm sorry, I simply cannot come to the next blog supper if they are going to serve moldy fruit.