Thursday, June 5, 2008

CV VP Entertainment

Wherefore cometh our CV movies and shows, click here But before you drive VP Entertainment Abby Koffler crazy, be it known that UCO, including George L, met with her over concerns expressed on the Blog (who knew!). There are many aspects to the thorny task of selecting movies from the 80 new offerings available to us each year. I am sure there will be info forthcoming from our UCO Programs Cmte (I’m not sure of their exact title) detailing their in-depth meeting with Ms. Koffler. She phoned me in answer to a recent questionnaire (wow) and said she “would be thrilled to receive specific requests” from the UCO Programs Cmte. So those of you with the urge to merge with UCO, get over there with your input. (I am up north on vacation, no clubhouse movies for me).


Topper said...

My gosh Elaine, you're not even in town and you know more than most of us still back on the homestead. You're one amazing gal! Thank you much and enjoy your getaway!

Topper said...

Wow, this "centuryvillage" is terrific! Thank you to all those responsible.
p.s. I've liked the movie choices.

Anonymous said...

The meeting was a result of matters brought to the attention of the president on the UCO website.

Anonymous said...

Very nice.

capt john said...


Anonymous said...

programs and services is not the committe invovled in choosing the movies or shows. Must be a select few who are CHOOSEN who select the shows, etc.??

elaineb said...

Movie Film Services of Hollywood FL has the rights, licenses etc. for the 4 Century Villages movies. I believe the choice of movies is done by them and the CV Entertainment staff in Boca, per our demographics and preferences, see first post. However, Ms Koffler would be thrilled to get specific suggestions from our UCO cmte. They tried choosing classic movies but received many complaints that they were already available on TV.
Note she definitely referred to “the Blog” as a topic of her meeting with UCO, despite anons effort to neutralize us. Communication can be quite effective when it is a 2-way street.

Ed Black said...

Wow! Imagine that ……communication between the sources!
Naturally that is the very purpose of this BLOG…..lack of ability to speak one’s mind ANY PLACE ELSE.

We have David to thank for this venue as this blog was entirely his idea, and, you that post are PROVING THE value of “freedom of speech”, daily.

Thank heavens for that!

Just imagine, resident having a voice in any of the activities in Century Village, NOT UCO?

Maybe change is upon us……… can only hope.

Ed Black