Saturday, July 26, 2008

ABG Anybody but George

Here we go, CV imitating the USA again. For those of you who were not at yesterday’s Special Delegate Assembly, it was the Return of the (Sith) (living dead) (bad judgement) fill in your own movie. George Loewenstein REappeared to run for president after resigning. This is not forbidden in FL statute probably because the lawmakers never thought such a destructive action would be possible. Already George used his influence to get the front page of the UCO Reporter held for late assembly to get publicity i.e. his version of the last Delegate Mtg. for himself and Howie Silver. Brace yourselves for the usual George methods of blackening everyone else’s reputation, whisper, whisper, no facts, he did a thorough job on the last administration that were struggling with hurricanes. Take care out there and do not believe vague rumors.


Anonymous said...

What!!!I never heard of anything so rediculous!!!!!Catch us Northpeople up, I was waiting to read about the meeting. How can George even think of doing this, he resigned!!!!! Enongh is enough!!!!

elaineb said...

Testing my personal delete button works, interesting. Anon is not respecting the poll.
The Sith are a group of fictional characters in the Star Wars universe. Characterized by their single-minded lust for power, they who use the dark side of the Force.

Anonymous said...

Seriously folks! we need you to locate your President or Alternate to vote in the election on Friday Aug 1, 8-9am before the next Delegate Meeting.
Enough of George’s self-serving tricks.
More business
Less politics
More commonsense
Less fighting
More working together
Please and Thank You

Anonymous said...

We need more Lowenstine old school UCO like Custer needed more Indians" HAHA!

Anonymous said...

George and Howie both resigned , placing the village management in limbo for a short time. The remaining officers except TETRO ( I'm told she has not been seen around UCO ) and executive board filled the void . George & Howie resigned when the delegates voted against their closed meeting dictates and voted for sunshine on most matters. George & Howie , a couple of babies, throwing a tantrum because they lost a vote. CV cannot tolerate such immature behavior. Vote for anyone but these two BABIES.

Anonymous said...

What a masochistic bunch, some of the village still has not had enough.
George worked to:
1) Eliminate term limits
2) Effectively close UCO Committee meetings to Unit Owners
3) Pour $500K plus into a reckless legal fiasco.
4) Fail to pursue "One Vote Per Unit"
5) Totally underfund Shoreline Restoration.
6) Fail to fund a $2 Million hurricane deductible liability
7) Create many disaffected residents with his autocratic behavior
8) Treat idea people as troublemakers.
9) Fill cmtes with his cronies, volunteer applications ignored.
10) Jerk everyone around, create turmoil with resign/unresign

Ed Black said...

Mr. Loewenstein, while you were President of UCO and with your background as a CPA, why has the Auditor not yet made her report. The previous firm wrote their letter to the Board of Directors (the final stages of an audit) on January 29, 2003. Here we are in mid July 2008 without the 2007 Audit near completion? How can you as a professional allow such behavior? Please share with us just when regular audit reports normally SHOULD be completed, especially when a CPA has been overseeing the Corporations books.

Inquiring minds want to know!

Anonymous said...