Monday, November 3, 2008


Hi All,
In another Post, Frank Eliason of COMCAST said:

(conversion to digital from analog will) "offer 10-12 digital or 3 HD channels.

Even within your community, I am sure there are members that would also prefer to have more HD.

This is the only way it can be provided.

We are developing DTA (stands for digital to analog) boxes that will make it easier for Customers to receive the channels currently below 100.

These boxes will be available for little or no cost, but they will not provide service such as On Demand or the Guide.

They will not also work for channels above 100. We do want this to be easy for everyone as this transition occurs".
It would seem therefore that since Digital Conversion allows COMCAST to pick up Bandwidth Efficiencies of anywhere from 3:1 up to 12:1, it would be logical for COMCAST to simply return all of the channels they have moved out of our Contracted Enhanced Basic Package; convert all 74 channels to Digital and then provide the DTA (Digital to Analog) box to all Unit owners free.

We would be most happy to discuss this with COMCAST.

Dave Israel
Cable Chair


Anonymous said...



Mike said...

Makes sense to Me Dave, go get it. Mike

Anonymous said...

Dave...Keep up the good work but I would still want to look for additional provders for a better deal once the contract has expired. Nothing to say that Comcast wouldn't pull "a fast one" in the future. I personally don't trust them....Thanks again

Anonymous said... it stands now the current guide is terrible. Why can't something be done to get an upgraded guide while we are at it?

Anonymous said...

R U using this guide
“The team has been working to improve your TV channel. …. Unfortunately, some features - such as Favorite Channels - were removed. In response to your feedback, we are working diligently to restore these features. We apologize for this inconvenience.”